The satanic ritual that shook the world. The child had no chance. earthquake


A 73-year-old German woman who ran a sect was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing a 4-year-old boy whom she claimed was “possessed”, tied to a sack and left to die. suffocated in a bathroom, broadcasts dpa.

“You consider yourself God,” Judge Peter Grassmueck told the woman whose identity is protected by strict German law.

“A child is not from his parents, but the old man decides when to take a child,” he wrote in the woman’s diary, according to Judge Grassmueck, who added that the “old man” the woman was referring to is God.

The woman described the boy as “possessed by evil” and representing the reincarnation of Hitler, Judge Grassmueck told a court in the western German city of Hanau.

In the period before his death, in August 1988, the boy had become a nuisance in the household dominated by the accused.

“His death was not only accepted, but in our opinion it was also desired,” he added.

The boy’s parents had to work to raise funds for the cult, while the now convicted woman cared for the victim and other children of community members.

“Surveillance, or rather indoctrination, was his task,” according to the judge.

The woman also had two biological children, three adopted children and, at that time, four parentless children lived in the community she led.

The court also found that the murdered child was a completely normal child, who from the age of 2 was partially transferred to the woman’s care.

But he was a very weak child, barely gaining weight and they put him to sleep in a bag in the bathroom.

“You ordered the sack to be tied over the victim’s head,” and then closed the door and window of the room, the defendant’s judge told him.

The court also criticized the decisions of the parents of the murdered child, who left their son in the care of the accused, although it was obvious that he was neglected and exposed to violence.

However, during the trial, the boy’s mother said that the accused offered him support and assistance when he needed it. “She is like a sister to me,” he said.

The defendant received the sentence without emotions, according to DPA. Before announcing the phrase, he read a book and looked at some photos. His lawyers announced that the woman would appeal.
