The runic horoscope of the end of the year, with Mihai Voropchievici. Lions can no longer love, Virgos attack at all levels


At the end of the year, we not only take stock, but we also try to complete everything that we have started so far. Be careful not to go into debt in the new year. What we left unfinished in 2020 will come with a double effect in 2021. Instead of doing one day of work, we will do two, warns numerologist Mihai Voropchievici.

Year-end runic horoscope for Aries

Aries is good at packing your luggage, because the stars announce a trip!

End of the year runic horoscope for Taurus

The bulls did not take the cozonacs out of the world and they put a whip on them. Get mobilized to fight a stormy battle, but stay calm and everything is settled.

Year-end runic horoscope for Gemini

The twins start a new life, a rebirth on all levels, both physical and mental.

End of the year runic horoscope for Cancer

It is a hard week for Cancer, he has to have the strength to finish what he started at home, despite the accumulated fatigue.

Year-end runic horoscope for Leo

Who has a love story on the weekend of the year? Yes, Leii! I’m at the peak of my happiness, I’m starting to make a rainbow of applause.

Year-end runic horoscope for Virgo

The year-end virgin has gains on all fronts, despite the difficulties so far.

Year-end runic horoscope for Libra

This is a more difficult time for Libra. Sound in a very fine ice cube, be careful with the way you act.

Year-end runic horoscope for Scorpio

He wants something quick, but the runes urge him to be patient. Don’t force your luck, wait a minute.

Year-end runic horoscope for Sagittarius

A little grumpy at the end of the year. A special communion with the divinity these days when you are asked to report.

Year-end runic horoscope for Capricorn

The second week in a row that Capricorn tries to find a solution to a problem. Open your mouth and start an argument, because that’s not possible anymore!

Year-end horoscope rune for Aquarius

Aquarius is undergoing a number of major changes in the near future, both in late 2020 and early 2021.

Year-end runic horoscope for Pisces

The fish are about to leave home or work. Your decision will be the best, you will act correctly.
