The rules for online teaching hours have been published in the Official Gazette. What Parents and Students Need to Know


The Education Ministry issued an order with the rules for online teaching, published Friday night in the Official Gazette, less than three days after starting school. Among these rules it is mentioned that: teachers will give grades without asking for parental consent; registration of courses taught online will be prohibited; students will be absent if they do not attend classes online; parents can participate in classes with younger students, according to

Who are the participants of the online classes and what are their obligations

The participants are teachers, students, but also their parents, if the students are minors. “By participating in activities that are carried out through technology and the Internet, it is understood: teacher, preschool, student, parent, legal guardian or legal supporter of the minor student or a family member to whose care / supervision the minor student is entrusted the order.

“Participants in learning activities carried out through technology and the Internet have the following obligations:

• a) are responsible for all messages, videos, files sent or any other material processed through the use of the application / educational computer platform;
• b) use the computer education application / platform only in accordance with legal provisions;
• c) not to record, disseminate, use information that contains personal data, in any other way that exceeds the purpose of processing these data.

One of the principles “that governs the teaching process through activities to support learning through technology and the Internet” is that which provides for the “participation and responsibility of parents.” Unlike the “instruction” that regulated online teaching in the spring, in this methodology there is no obligation for parents to provide students with the tools to participate in online classes, the writing is now used to “ensure children’s participation “.

For the first time in an official document, the Ministry of Education stipulates that the topics given to the students must be creative and not tire the student or consume too much time.

“In the preparation of the work tasks, it is necessary to follow the observance of the age peculiarities of the students in terms of the time resource, their level of understanding and the degree of difficulty of the items.

Work tasks must be creative, not lead to loss of student interest in learning, physical and emotional fatigue, reduction of time for recreational, family or community activities, including time to sleep, eat, etc. ”, Is shown in methodology.

Teachers no longer have to qualify with parental consent

The document also regulates the granting of grades for the online school. Unlike “instruction” in the spring, teachers can give grades or give grades to students without anyone’s consent.

“Within the teaching-learning-evaluation activities through technology and the Internet, the educational progress of students can be evaluated by teachers, granting marks / marks, in accordance with current legislation, using specific evaluation tools” . displayed in the document.

What are the duties of parents?

Parents have the following responsibilities:

• ensures the participation of children in educational activities organized by the school through technology and the Internet, with the aim of creating a safe, friendly and protective physical environment for the child during the activity, promoting positive behaviors, appreciating progress of the preschooler / student, to encourage, motivate and hold him / her responsible for their own formation;
• maintain communication with the principal and other teachers;
• supports the preschooler / student, if necessary, in receiving and transmitting work assignments, within the established deadlines;
• send feedback to the principal / preschool teacher about the organization and development of the teaching-learning-assessment activity through technology and the internet.

What the school has to do

“The educational unit, as the person responsible for the processing of personal data, has the obligation to establish a series of technical and organizational measures regarding the protection and storage of personal data aimed at:

• a) online security
• b) ensure the confidentiality of data;
• c) prevent the risk of data loss;
• d) prevent the modification of personal data;
• e) Prohibit unauthorized access to personal data ”, according to the text of the methodology.

The GDPR regulation is invoked and the types of personal data protected by the educational unit are established, and records are prohibited:

• first and last name of preschool children / students, first and last name of teachers using the computer education application / platform;
• the image, the voice of the participants, as the case may be;
• messages, videos, files sent or any other material containing data processed through the use of the application / educational computer platform;
• evaluation results;
• connection data to the educational application / platform used to participate in the online courses: username and password.

“As a measure to protect personal data, processed during the use of educational computer applications / platforms, it is forbidden to record online activities”, states the document.

What resources can teachers use to teach online?

“In teaching through technology and the Internet, open educational resources (RED) – materials for learning, teaching, research or other educational purposes, can be freely used, adapted and redistributed, taking into account copyright. , such as: courses, lesson plans, presentations, books, textbooks, homework, questionnaires, classroom or laboratory activities, games, simulations, tests, audio or video resources, etc., available in digital or physical format already those who have free access.

The materials used by teachers in the teaching-learning-assessment process through technology and the Internet and uploaded to dedicated platforms constitute didactic material ”, states the official document.

What responsibilities do students have

Student responsibilities for online education are as follows:

• participates in the activities established by the teachers and by the direction of the educational unit, according to the communicated program, as well as the information transmitted by the main teachers / primary education teachers / teachers / preschool teachers / educators;
• resolves and transmits work tasks within the terms and conditions established by teachers, in order to capitalize on the activity carried out through technology and the Internet;
• have a behavior appropriate to the state of the student, developing behaviors and attitudes through which a favorable climate for the learning environment is ensured;
• does not communicate to other people the connection data to the platform intended for education through technology and the Internet;
• does not record the activity carried out in the online environment, in accordance with the legislation on the protection of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as well as art. 4 par. (4) of this methodology;
• have the obligation to participate in activities carried out through technology and the Internet; otherwise, the student is considered absent and the absence is recorded in the catalog, except in justified cases;
• have a behavior that generates mutual respect, an environment conducive to the development of classes ”.

The order published in the Official Gazette can be consulted here.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
