The rules are for ordinary mortals: Minister Nelu Tătaru, trapped in a restaurant in a closed space (PHOTO) – News from sources


The government closed markets, cinemas, theaters and other facilities that operate indoors on Monday, but Health Minister Nelu Tătaru sees no problem in spending hours locked in a plastic balloon, along with five others. people: one of his advisers, the president of the Iași City Council, Costel Alexe, and three other members of his family, reveals

On Sunday, at noon, around 3:30 p.m., Nelu Tătaru met them all on the terrace of a restaurant in Palas. The group locked themselves in a plastic igloo, partially covered with a tarp to protect those inside from the eyes of passersby. The first to arrive at the meeting were the Minister of Health, his advisor and former Minister of the Environment, Costel Alexe. Later, after a few dozen minutes, Alexe’s family, his wife and two minor children appeared.

The six people present in the igloo served the food, after which Costel’s wife Alexe and their two children left. Nelu Tătaru, his advisor and Costel Alexe spent a few more hours together.

Nelu Tătaru and her guests didn’t just ignore the danger of spending hours locked in a plastic dome. As you can see, the images presented by 7IAȘI capture Costel Alexe, Nelu Tătaru and their adviser speaking at a very short distance from each other, less than a meter, with the chairs practically glued together.

Restaurant employees noticed the person who filmed the “ministerial igloo” and asked him to leave, the cited source also notes.

Minister Nelu Tătaru has not yet responded to requests from STIRIPESURSE.RO to offer a reaction to the situation presented by the press in Iaşi.

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