The routine amplifies the state of DEPRESSION. The psychologist …


In fact, the moments of depression are just a sign of life, through our subconscious, that we need a break to disconnect from small problems.

“Throughout life, the conscious continues to feed us with messages that everything must be taken seriously, that we do not need breaks, that the current job is what we want, even if it ends mentally, that the routine is good and we should we hold onto it until we withdraw, and even after that. “At some point, our subconscious locks up and builds scenarios, seemingly damaging but ultimately aiming to disconnect us, all of which happens in a fraction of a second. We lay in bed and suddenly the question surprises us: Am I really happy as I am now? Or do we sit on Facebook, looking at photos of friends or even strangers who seem so happy in Santorini, Thailand, Tenerife or even on the beach of Mamaia, so that we get angry and ask ourselves out loud: why do I never go on vacation? “, Explains the psychologist Andra Tănăsescu.

The answer to depression is “Get out of the house!”

The specialist believes that routine amplifies the state of depression, and the answer to the question “How do I get rid of the lack of lust for life, how do I get rid of the depression that seems to have taken my life?” it’s one “Get out, get out of the house”. Where? Anywhere. In the park in front of the block or in distant India. The conscious mind builds limits, sets rules, believing that it wants the best for us, but our spirit is free, it needs adventure, action, everything else, except routine.

“One of the biggest benefits of traveling is that it helps you disconnect from what you have left behind. Whether we have a couple of problems, if we have problems at work or in another aspect of our lives, moving to a new place will helps to draw our attention away from them and to acquire new experiences, until then we thought that everything we do in life, that is, the routine we have created, is enough. During the holidays, we discover new points of view, new ways of thinking and act, and we often surprise ourselves, bringing back into our lives feelings and feelings that we forget, which abounded in childhood but no longer have a place in adult life, “says psychologist Andra Tănăsescu.

How do we disconnect on vacation?

The first thing we can do just before packing our bags for the holidays is to inform our coworkers, friends and family that … we are going on vacation. Our email address must be configured to send automatic messages that, during the x period, we are on vacation, our friends must be notified that our phone will stay longer in the hotel room or will be used only for photos.

Everyone must respect our need for privacy, disconnection and all the means that remind us of the routine should be left at home: work reports, lots of invoices, etc.

“If you choose to go on vacation alone, do any activity that you wouldn’t normally do if you were at home. Take a walk, discover the new city, discover the people, how they think, what is different and how you feel as if you were there Enjoy every moment and be present no matter what you do there If you go with or with someone, spend time with that person Enjoy their presence, laugh, joke, go out and do things that get you out of the routine. Take time to get to know that person better and be curious about the things that life can offer you. And when you get home, take that created energy and use it. For yourself, for what you need. See if things have calmed down, if you have come up with new ideas or if your Attitude has simply changed with respect to the situation from which it started, “concludes psychologist Andra Tănăsescu.

Andra Tănăsescu, vice president of the Association “Generación del Amor” is a psychologist and NLP trainer. He studied psychology, with training in couples and family therapy. Experienced as a dance instructor and drawn to the connection between mind, emotions and body, she follows a dance and movement therapy training. After several years of experience in training and supporting corporate events, he offers, combining psychology, with NLP and techniques of awareness and body connection, a complete experience of self-knowledge and personal evolution.
