The Romanians are with the closure over their heads. The scenario in which total quarantine would be adopted


The national situation regarding the incidence of coronavirus disease remains worrying. Professor Alexandru Rafila, the option proposed by the Social Democratic Party (PSD) for the position of prime minister, recognized that he would not be shy about adopting an unpopular measure, if it were the case and the context would dictate it. It is a blockade, which would aim to reduce the cases of disease.

“It seems to me that there was a lot of bravado in the election campaign, even later. We have to be decent, restrained. When we make judgments, we have to make them after much thought. Mr. Orban guarantees 100% that we will not have a blockade in Romania Instead of saying that these are the figures and that we are going to take measures to protect citizens, due to the desire of exaggerated populism, he gave guarantees that no one can give, “said Rafila for the truth.

Alexandru Rafila spoke about Germany, a country with incomparably greater medical resources than Romania. However, this country has had to resort to radical action due to the spread of the pandemic.

“Even if there are beds, there are no staff”

“You see what is happening in Germany, a country with great medical potential, which has reached a deadlock. In Romania the situation is not much better than in Germany, probably only in the imagination of some. We have reached a situation where Mr. Raed Arafat declared that there are no more places in ATI Bucharest. So it is throughout the country. Even if there are beds, there are no staff, ”the doctor also said.

Rafila says that he would not distort reality, if he became the chief executive. “The confinement is generated by the reality on the ground. These statements, I cannot assume. If I were prime minister, I could not allow myself to lie. I could not say that the situation was rosy and that I would not lock myself up. I would generate a real x-ray of the system health in Romania “.
