The Romanian Academy returns with explanations: Who prepared and why later deleted the statement in which it assured that 5G technology can have serious consequences for health – Telecom


The Romanian Academy informed on Wednesday that the document in which it stated that 5G technology can have serious consequences on the health of the population was prepared by members of the Department of Medical Sciences, coordinated by the president of the department, the academic Victor Voicu. The Academy leadership assures that it decided to withdraw this document, because “it decided to take the initiative to organize a debate at the national level, with the participation of all the factors involved”, without presenting what steps it took in this regard.

The Romanian Academy responded on Wednesday to questions from regarding who drafted and subsequently deleted the statement. in which this scientific forum argued that the implementation of 5G technology, without a concrete assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, can have serious consequences on public health.

  • Below are the Academy’s full answers to questions: Who elaborated on the Academy’s position on 5G in the statement posted on the site Thursday? Romanian Academy: The document was prepared by members of the Department of Medical Sciences of the Romanian Academy, coordinated by the president of the department, acad. Victor Voicu. The material was written based on extensive documentation carried out by acad. Victor Voicu and his collaborators, whose scientific basis is the international bibliography in the medical field of the last two years.

  • Who removed it from the site and what are the reasons why the statement no longer appears on the Academy website?

Romanian Academy:
The decision to withdraw the statement belongs to the leadership of the Romanian Academy and was made after consultations during which it was decided to take the initiative to organize a debate at the national level, with the participation of all stakeholders (social, economic, political ) and the drafting of a joint document.

  • Why not mention the scientists or studies based on which the Academy believes that 5G could affect health?

Romanian Academy: The document of August 27, 2020 represents a synthesis of a broader material, which also contained the scientific bibliography used, but could not be the subject of a press release. A selective bibliography is now available on the website of the Romanian Academy.

  • The statement said that “5G stations will generate electromagnetic fields about 100 times stronger than those of generations already in operation, practically developing an artificial ocean of high-frequency millimeter radiation (30-300 GHz), with enormous potential for risk, at medium term, about life. “

    In relation to this statement, Did you know that the 5G auction prepared this year by ANCOM does not even target these high frequency bands, but only the radio spectrum in the frequency bands of 700 MHz, 800 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz, 3400-3600 MHz?

Romanian Academy: The document of August 27, 2020 did not take into account the tender prepared by ANCOM. The source of the document is concerns about the implementation of 5G technology and the possible long-term health effects (when this technology will be used at a much more advanced level), not in the immediate future. “

  • Also on Wednesday, the Academy posted a press release on its website stating the same regarding the reasons for removing the previous position on 5G:

Our communiqué was conceived as an invitation to the entire Romanian society (specialists, decision makers, economic environment, medical personnel and the entire population), so that together we can analyze and reach some useful conclusions for each one of us.

The statement generated controversy, ignoring that the Romanian Academy requested an analysis of the impact of prolonged use, as a consequence of the prolonged exposure of the population to the radiation emitted by these technologies. They studied the purpose of discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this technology in a balanced way and to assess the potential risk to health. The Romanian Academy is not opposed to the implementation of new technologies, but wants to take into account the medical principle of prevention before moving to its widespread use.

We specify that the decision of the Romanian Academy management to remove the statement from the institution’s website was taken as a result of the decision to take the initiative to organize a debate at the national level, with the participation of all the factors involved and the development of a common document. It is shown in the statement sent on Wednesday September 2 by the Romanian Academy.

The academy has also published “a selective bibliography with several articles from the specialized press” and “opinions of the international press“in 5G technology.

  • The Romanian Academy’s concerns contradict the positions of the European Commission, the National Institute of Public Health or ANCOM, the authority that monitors radiation from telecommunications networks, which claim that 5G networks operate at levels well below the limits. considered safe for health, so there is no indication. that it would be a danger. The Academy’s position was heavily criticized by public opinion on Thursday.

For more details, read: In contradiction to the European Commission, the Health Institute and the competent authority, the Romanian Academy affirms that the implementation of 5G technology can have serious consequences on the health of the population.

  • Physicist Cristian Presură’s reaction to the statement from the Romanian Academy:

Physicist Cristian Presură reacted on his Facebook page on Thursday night compared to the Romanian Academy statement on the use of 5G technology, dismantling most of the arguments presented by the institution:

“I saw the Academy statement on 5G. Unfortunately, it has no links to references, so it is difficult to argue. Just a few points.
1. “Scientists warn that future 5G stations will generate electromagnetic fields about 100 times stronger than those of generations that are already in operation.” The standards for 5G are the same as for 4G when it comes to power density. Simply put, if we get into the air, we will not receive more energy per second from a 5G antenna than we already receive from a 4G antenna. I don’t see how the factor of 100 is justified in the statement.
2. “To practically develop an artificial ocean of radiation.” The word “ocean of radiation” is scary, although we are also surrounded by “oceans” of other radiation: light and neutrino particles. “Ocean of radiation” does not necessarily mean dangerous!
3. “High frequency millimeter radiation (30-300 GHz)”. The technology implemented so far uses up to 10 GHz and, in the future, there is talk of reaching a maximum of 70 GHz. By no means 300 GHz, which is a theoretical upper limit that only appears in the standard. In other words, until 70 GHz is reached, a lot of water will flow from the Danube, and when the implementation of 300 GHz is discussed, a generation or two will be passed or the standard will be adjusted.
4. “International medical authorities classify the electromagnetic field produced by radio frequencies as a possible human carcinogen.” It’s true, pickles fall into the same category. The category indicates how, if we put huge, much higher intensities, we can observe effects in animals. In a more serious category it is “probably carcinogenic”, where cigarette smoke has 9 molecules in this category ( And the category “safe carcinogen” includes processed meat. I read that 50 grams of processed meat a day increases the chance of colon cancer by 18% ( I say this just to see how healthy pickles compare to cigarette smoke or processed meat. And 5G is going to pickles.
5. “Millimeter radiation is absorbed into the skin, to a depth of approximately 1-2 mm”. That’s right here, it’s great to say. 5G radiation does not penetrate beyond the skin, it is important to know, so as not to be afraid that this radiation “reads our thoughts”.
The press release continues:
6. “Local effects and can be transmitted through molecular mechanisms to the rest of the body.” The only local effects are thermal, but these can be neglected in relation to the change in ambient temperature. If there were other effects, it should have been related to clear evidence that the danger is high.
7. And at the end the statement says: “We warn that the implementation of 5G technology, without a concrete assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, can have serious consequences on the health of the population.”

The key word is “maybe”. In my experience, Romania does not have the only ability to study on a large scale. The only thing you can do is take an interest in the “big brothers” in the EU, and here the answer is clear: apart from isolated cases (which are debatable), the “big brothers” have allowed the development of 5G in their own population. and on a large scale. Personally, I don’t think you are crazy about doing this if I don’t know what it is about. They know what it is about: the dangers of 5G radiation, as far as we know, do not seem to exceed those known: unhealthy food, the air we breathe with its radioactive elements, driving a car, sunlight with its ultraviolet radiation, etc. far away. As long as there are no clear signs of danger, “our older brothers” do not panic and let this new engine of the economy develop. When the dangers are great, as with the pandemic, they also put their foot on the pedal, but in 5G this is not the case. “


Contrary to the European Commission, the Institute of Health and the competent authority, the Romanian Academy affirms that the implementation of 5G technology can have serious consequences on the health of the population.
