The researcher who anticipated the evolution of the pandemic gives us the great news! When will we finally get rid of COVID-19?


The doctor and researcher Octavian Jurma, who rightly anticipated the evolution of the epidemic, explained that the effectiveness and specificity of the anti-COVID-19 vaccine “are enormous.” The specialist also affirms that the COVID-19 pandemic could be eradicated next fall with one condition: that the vaccination plan is followed.

Impact on the curve, after 40-50% of the population is vaccinated

“The pandemic can come to a complete stop in the autumn if this vaccination plan is followed, if more than 60% of the population is vaccinated. The impact on the curve will be seen much faster, after vaccinating between 40 and 50 % of the population. In addition to those vaccinated, we will have a part of the population that will be naturally immunized until then “, said Octavian Jurma of GÂNDUL.RO.

According to the expert, we can expect another epidemiological wave in February 2021, but if we do not manage to execute the vaccination campaign, we can wake up with another wave in the fall. “The vaccination process looks pretty simple on paper, but it won’t be that easy. We have representatives in Parliament against vaccination. It will be much more difficult to implement this plan because there will be people who will oppose it and they will have a political representation of their voice in Parliament. “

At the same time, the doctor says that the authorities analyze very little, and even if they take full quarantine measures today, the positive effects will be seen only in a month on the death curve: “Every day, in Bucharest, the 2.5% of the cases now will die in the next 2-3 weeks ”, the researcher draws attention.

“The fact that it is not being tested further is concerning”

Octavian Jurma joins the authoritative voices who believe that too little testing is being conducted than would be necessary, thus we have a distorted view of the pandemic.

“We don’t see an effort to go back to testing and the fact that no more testing is being done is concerning.” Bucharest approaches national values ​​in the summer and now produces more daily cases than then. There is no shadow of a doubt. The capital alone can saturate the entire ATI capacity of the country. And the economic and social impact is enormous across the country, if the medical system collapses.

Our modern economy is based on a health security system. We thus return to the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, the infections we see now will show up as severe cases in just one week, 14 days. Sadly, every day in Bucharest 2.5% of current cases will die in the next 2-3 weeks ”.

