The reason why Florin Salam did not reach the final of X Factor 2020! “God forbid”


The X Factor 2020 final should have brought Florin Salam to the stage, along with her nephew. Everyone was eagerly awaiting to see the manelista perform with him. Adrian Petrache, finalist in Loredana Groza’s team. Just a few minutes before entering the stage, Adrián and Loredana panicked when they realized that Florin Salam had not arrived and that, most likely, he would not arrive throughout the evening.

Florin Salam left Adrian Petrache in the final of X Factor

In the article:

Thus, the young artist was forced to give up the moment that was advertised as explosive. The one who saved the competitor was Florin Ristei, who offered to sing with him the song that he should have sung with his uncle. (Winner of “X Factor” 2020! Who is the crowd favorite? Great emotions in the final)

Adrian Petrache, grandson of Florin Salam

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It seems that the reason why the artist would not have been with Adrián Petrache would be a doctor, at least that is what his nephew claimed. He would have felt very bad shortly after the rehearsals that took place a day ago. However, the jurors were upset by the absence of the maneuver, especially because it confused the moment of Adrian.

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Loredana tried to understand him and look for a plausible excuse. Thus, the artist told her fellow jurors that this could happen to anyone and that they could get COVID. Certainly the manelista will come up with a statement to this effect and unravel the mystery surrounding his disappearance tonight.

“He could get sick from Covid or whatever. God forbid, you can’t control it. That’s what I said.”said Loredana Groza
