The real reason Mihai Petre was fired from Pro TV and the Romanians are talented. What are you going to do from now on


mihai petre

Mihai Petre collaborated for more than ten years with Pro TV, and his presence as a jury in the programs I dance for you Y Romanians are talented contributed to the resounding success of both productions.

With the departure of the producer Mona Segall to Antena1, he followed her, but a year ago he returned to Pro TV and even announced that he will be part of the jury in the 11th edition of the program. Romanians are talented. Everything changed in just one day, when the famous dancer announced on Facebook that he would no longer be part of the show.

“Season 11 Romanians have talent will no longer find me at the jury table. The experience Romanians have on talent is fantastic. I witnessed and judged world-class performances and had the opportunity to work with a fantastic team. Thank you Pavel Bartoș, Smiley, Andra, Andi Moisescu, Florin Călinescu, thank you to the whole team and to you, who have always confirmed that Romanians Have Talent is undoubtedly the best entertainment show in Romania. Good luck in the new season and in the new one! formula! I assure you that we will see each other again soon, “wrote Mihai Petre on a social network.

What will Mihai Petre do after Pro TV gave up on him?

He was replaced by the beautiful Alexandra Dinu, Adrian Mutu’s ex-wife and an actress better known in Italy than in Romania. Fans greeted the news with skepticism and I don’t think Pro TV’s choice was inspired. Negative reactions flowed on social media, especially as Mihai Petre represented the salt and pepper of the show, along with Florin Călinescu.

The real reason why the dancer had to stop collaborating with Pro TV would be disagreements with the station bosses. According to VoxBiz sources, they would have decreased the value of the contract, which did not suit Mihai Petre at all. From here, just one step towards a farewell that seems final.

The famous dancer does not have another television project at the moment and no collaboration is expected in the near future, especially since the pandemic has seriously affected television budgets. Now he will dedicate himself more to the family, but also to the dance school he founded, but which is currently operating on damages due to the restrictions imposed by the new coronavirus that is spreading at breakneck speed.
