The reaction of the Government to the statements that question the authenticity of the vaccine received by Romania. “Inaccurate and misleading”


The government reports that the information in recent days questioning the authenticity of the vaccine received by Romania is “inaccurate and potentially misleading.”

The authorities send a series of clarifications on the statements that question the authenticity of the vaccine doses received by Romania, through the government website created especially for the transmission of official information on anti-Covid vaccination.

“The dissemination of images with the reception of the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in Romania generated a wave of misleading information, spread on social networks. Thus, in the last days of the vaccination campaign there were circulations that questioned the authenticity of the vaccine doses received by Romania. The reasons invoked were: packing the cans in simple cardboard boxes, not suitable for the transport of carbonic ice, using a transport vehicle insufficiently insulated to maintain the temperature of -80 ° C and using land transport to the detriment of air. This information is inaccurate and potentially misleading, “government officials said.

How vaccine doses are transported

The authorities also provide some clarification in this regard.

“On December 25, the first tranche of COVID-19 vaccines, consisting of 9,750 doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, was delivered in Romania. Special conditions for storage and transport of the vaccine have been ensured by special transport devices They consist of heat-insulating boxes containing carbon dioxide and a temperature control sensor, which ensures that the vaccine has been kept at temperatures between -90 ° C and -60 ° C. In other words, the doses were not only transported in boxes of cardboard. These represented only the outer packaging. Inside the cardboard boxes there are thermally insulated boxes with carbon dioxide “, transmit the authorities.

According to officials, the transport of doses was carried out in full compliance with the specific storage rules.

In addition, these special transport devices are independent and can maintain the required temperature for 10 days if they are not open. In other words, the transport of vaccine doses in these devices does not require a special refrigerated vehicle to maintain low temperatures. Thus, temperatures between -90 ° C and -60 ° C are ensured by the special transport device, not by the vehicle / plane ”, states the Government.

Weekly road and air deliveries

According to the manufacturer, after transport the doses can be stored in special freezers with very low temperatures for 6 months or for 30 days in transport devices, if carbonic ice is added every 5 days. They can even be stored in hospital refrigerators at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C for 5 days ”, explain the authorities.

Officials also show why ground transportation was chosen over air transportation for vaccine doses.

“Regarding the choice of the method of land transportation to the detriment of the air for the first delivery of the vaccine, details have already been brought here. The choice was based on an analysis that took into account several parameters, such as: the need for synchronized delivery in several Member States on a fixed date, the limited number of thermally insulated boxes for transport to a single location in the Member State , transportation during Christmas day free. Furthermore, the properties of carbonic ice require special preparations for air transport, which would have brought more complexity to distribution. Weekly deliveries to Romania will be made by both air and land transport. Both transport routes can be used because the thermal insulation boxes for transport are independent of the mode of transport (air or land) ”, it is written on the Executive’s website.

17 minor side effects in 5,666 vaccinated people

Officials say there have been “minor common” side effects in just 17 of the more than 5,600 vaccinated so far.

“We remind you that, according to the Vaccination Strategy against COVID-19, at the moment, the schedules and effective vaccination are only available for stage 1 (people included in the category of social and health workers – public system and private). To see what are the stages of the vaccination strategy in Romania, click here. So far (December 30, 6:00 PM), 5,666 people have been vaccinated and 17 minor common side effects have been reported. In Romania, vaccination against COVID-19 is free and voluntary / not compulsory ”, concludes the Government communication.
