The PSD project through which teachers receive 2,000 COVID bonus lei, adopted by the Senate


The Senate adopted this Monday the legislative proposal that grants during the state of emergency and alerts risk incentives to pre-university and university teachers of 2,000 lei per month and to non-teaching and auxiliary personnel – 1,500 lei per month, reports Agerpres.

There were 85 votes in favor, 25 against and 13 abstentions.

The legislative proposal to grant a risk incentive for educational personnel throughout the state of alert and emergency, as a result of the risk of spreading the coronavirus SARS-VOC 2, was initiated by PSD deputies Marcel Ciolacu, Paul Stanescu, Alfred Simonis , Robert Cazanciuc and Radu Preda.

„Teachers and auxiliary and non-teaching staff of state pre-university and university education, accredited private education and pre-university education units established in the structure of higher education institutions will receive a risk incentive of 2,000 lei per month, respectively. 1,500 lei per month, granted throughout the state of alert and the state of emergency due to involvement and exposure to the risk of the spread of the coronavirus ”, provides the amended legislative proposal in the Senate.

According to the legislative proposal, the risk incentive is not included in the monthly basis for calculating the social security contribution, the social health insurance contribution, respectively, the work insurance contribution.

Within 15 days from the date of entry into force of the law, the government will issue the rules of application of the law, also shown in the draft normative act.

The leader of the PSD group in the Senate, Radu Preda, appreciated that educational personnel deserve help, “because they educate and raise people.”

“I have learned in recent months that solidarity and respect can make a difference, and that those who are called the heroes of today can and should be rewarded. (…) It is a help that this hero deserves, because he raises and educates people, beyond salary cuts or broken promises. Because today they want the school to be an electoral server and a (…) propaganda agent for the NLP Government. I repeat: Romania needs good doctors and dedicated teachers, but they, in turn, need support and gratitude. That is why, on behalf of the PSD parliamentarians, I say thank you for doing good to Romania! “Said Preda in the debate of the project, in the plenary session of the Senate.

The legislative proposal will be debated by the Chamber of Deputies, the decision-making body in this case.

Publisher: RK
