The prosecutor who made disclosures to Aleph News, controlled by order of the attorney general, Gabriela Scutea


Magistrate prosecutor George Nica, head of the judicial section of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court, spokesman for the institution and who had a day in the investigation, investigates the case of the accident in which Minister Lucian Bode was involved by the attorney general, Gabriela Scutea, for the statements made on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, in the program “Marius Tucă Show”, in Aleph News.

Contacted, George Nica confirmed the information, stating that today he learned from the Attorney General of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Military Court of Appeal, Adrian Cornel Nicolau, that a control was ordered by the Attorney General of the PÎCCJ, Gabriela Scutea. his intervention in the program “Marius Tucă Show”, in Aleph News, on Wednesday 9 September, and the way of communicating information of public interest in the media.

Surprisingly, the control ordered by the attorney general also refers to whether the prosecutor George Nica has the capacity of spokesman for the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court, information that can be found on the website of the Public Ministry.

“I understood that she asks to be informed if I have the quality of a spokesperson, a quality that I have, and the incident means that the file was fine with me. The Attorney General’s Office has the list of spokespersons. It is on the site. We have a spokesperson . I am the second spokesperson in order because the spokesperson is on vacation. I was surprised that he asked me to do this because he had to know that I was a spokesperson. From my point of view, no problem because I have complied with all the legal regulations and laws that regulate the form of communication of information of public interest in the press. Otherwise, I have nothing to declare, “said the prosecutor.

Notified by the control ordered, the prosecutor George Nica also made a written note to the Attorney General of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Military Court of Appeal, Adrian Cornel Nicolau.

According to the 2018 asset declaration, Cristina Nicolau, wife of Adrian Cornel Nicolau, the brigade magistrate general, in charge of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Military Court of Appeal, who reported the control to Prosecutor George Nica, serves as legal adviser. in SPP. According to some sources, the two would have separated in 2019.

On Wednesday, September 9, 2020, exclusively on Aleph News, the prosecutor George Nica stated that 5 days after the accident in which Minister Lucian Bode was involved, the file did not include a hearing of those involved, nor of witnesses, it did not include images already made public for several days, said that the report of the discovery at the place had not been signed by the SPP officer involved in the accident – because he was in the hospital, and from August 30 to September 3 – the SPP did not inform the Deputy Public Prosecutor’s Office Bucharest Military Court, although the Protection and Guard Service had this legal obligation.

George Nica also said that the name of Minister Lucian Bode did not appear in any document in the file and the next day, September 4, 2020, from the court order of Attorney General Gabriela Scutea, his file was taken.

The Prosecutor George Nica of the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Military Court of Appeals is the one who extended the investigations in rem and ex officio, in the case of the accident in which Minister Lucian Bode was involved, in relation to the crime of non-compliance with the measures legal security. and occupational health.

On September 3, at the time of the arrival of the case in the investigation of the prosecutor George Nica, in the file there was only one real investigation for the crime of culpable injury, a crime that is investigated in the prior complaint of the injured. However, the complaints of the injured persons did not exist in the file because they had not been heard.

In an official response sent today, based on law 544/2001, the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Attorney General’s Office shows that regarding the traffic accident of August 30, 2020, in which the Minister of Transport, Lucian Bode, was involved, confirms that until now the prosecutors have not personally initiated the criminal investigation of the case and, as such, no one has the status of suspect or accused.

Prosecutors from the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office allege that the case continued in real criminal proceedings (not in writing) for the crimes of culpable bodily injury and were later extended for the crime of non-compliance with legal security and health measures. at work.

“In this case, the criminal investigation in person has not begun. The initiation of the criminal investigation was ordered in rem, under the aspect of the commission of the crimes of bodily injury through fault, anterior. Of art. 196 para. 2 and 3 of the Penal Code and subsequently extended in the aspect of the commission of the crime of non-compliance with the legal measures of safety and health at work, art. 350 paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Penal Code. (…) No The names of the drivers involved in the accident can be communicated to them, with the mention that no person has the status of a suspect or accused in this phase of the investigations, ”the military prosecutors of the Attorney General’s Office point out.

Although requested in the law, the Military Prosecutor’s Office of the Attorney General’s Office did not want to specify whether the hearings began in the file and the date they began. So far, the Protection and Guard Service has not responded to the request made under Law 544/2001.

The traffic accident caused by a Volkswagen Touareg car of the Protection and Guard Service, a noncommissioned officer of the SPP and in which Minister Lucian Bode was also involved, took place 13 days ago, in the commune of Drăganu, Argeş county.

According to the Argeş County Police Spokesperson and public images, “it was established that Minister Bode’s car was driving in the wrong direction and collided with a car regularly driving in the wrong direction, under the conditions of an illegal overtaking.”

“As a result of the traffic accident, the driver of the first car and a passenger of the second car were injured: a woman of Polish citizenship. The driver of this car is also of Polish citizenship,” said Argeş County Police, NCO of the SPP who was taken to the hospital.

Later, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis stated that the accident in which Minister Bode was involved “can hardly be compared to the accident in which former Minister Gabriel Oprea was involved,” Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan said that Minister Bode he was sitting on the bench in the back, he fell asleep and is practically not to blame for the accident “and Minister Bode affirmed that” the dignitary has no right to tell the driver to go harder or slower, I was resting in the back seat , I deeply regret this incident ”.

On September 3, 2020, 5 days after the accident, the file was taken from the Pitesti Court Prosecutor’s Office by the Military Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Bucharest Military Court. The next day, September 4, 2020, at the request of the Romanian Attorney General, Gabriela Scutea, the file was transferred again, this time to the Military Prosecutor’s Office Section of the Attorney General’s Office, where it is currently being investigated.

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