The prime minister’s statement that gives you chills. Will the ‘call to the army’ continue?


The prime minister calls the resident doctors to the front line, in the context of an imminent lockdown in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. On Thursday, Ludovic Orban asked the Minister of Health to take into account in the most serious way the residents who specialize in the discipline of intensive care.

Quick entry into the labor field

“We must make sure that those who complete the residency pass the exam and, practically, any type of doctor who shows up at the end of the residency and in the disciplines sought, for intensive care, must be used immediately, as we use residents. I suspect that from a technical point of view, from the preparation of beds equipped with everything necessary, we can increase the capacity, but I suspect that we tend to reach a blockage in terms of the number of medical personnel ”, explained the prime minister.

Best triage in ATI

Orban also provided details on the precise role he sees in residents within ATI sections.

“Not everyone has to enter ATI. There is this tendency to hospitalize patients in intensive care units that do not necessarily require intensive care and then there must be intermediate rooms in which the evolution of health is monitored more closely, but it does not necessarily require hospitalization in the intensive care unit, specified Ludovic Orban.

“We are like a Sisyphus”

The prime minister’s concern is well founded, as there is mounting evidence that doctors and nurses are exhausted in the country’s special Covid hospitals. Since the beginning of the pandemic, he has been working continuously, with no vacations or days off, often on the brink of exhaustion. Everyone thinks that, unfortunately, the next few months will probably be even tougher than those they have lived through so far, triggered by a crisis that occurs once a century.

“We are like a Sisyphus, on which a great rock runs the risk of collapsing,” say the doctors who have reached exhaustion, report a Pro TV material broadcast on Thursday, the day that Romania exceeded the psychological threshold of more than 3,000 new infections and 607 hospitalized patients. intensive care units.
