The prime minister claims that most of the tests were conducted in November and the number of cases has decreased. All markets open on weekends.


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban explained on Digi24 on Thursday night that although there were fewer tests in recent days, because there were days off, in general, in November, Romania did more tests than in previous months. and the decrease in the number of diseases can be seen by comparing them with weekly data. That is why, says the prime minister, the decision was made to reopen all markets starting this weekend.

“I just give you some data from memory: in June between 240,000 and 250,000 tests were performed per month, in September more than 400,000 tests were performed, and the largest number of tests were performed in November,” said Ludovic Orban. “We had a series of four days off, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. As a general rule, on holidays you know that there are less tests, because the test center staff also need to rest, they cannot work every day. The number of people who have the capacity, the competition to perform these tests is limited, although we have steadily increased the number of test centers and the number of people involved. With 30 and 1 days off, after another two days off, no There were 10,000 tests that are generally done on Sundays, but between 15,000 and 16,000 tests were made. Less than on normal days. Yesterday, from 10 to 10 today, on the other hand, more than 32,000 tests were carried out, the number being people diagnosed positively around 7,600, “said the prime minister.

Downward trend of the epidemic. How to do the math

He then explained that the authorities analyze the number of cases from one day to the next, when the number of tests is comparable, but above all by comparing the current day of the week with the equivalent day of last week, the week of the other and another. week. “We do analyzes in several days, in three, but the most frequent are done in seven days, the amount of the number of cases in seven days, because then Sunday is also included, when fewer tests are done and all cases are analyzed. In all these analyzes it is clear that we have entered a downward trend, “said Ludovic Orban, giving as an example the fact that last week, on the day equivalent to today (yesterday from 10:00 to today at 10:00: 00), there were almost 9,100 people infected and today there are 7,600 people.

“Also, if we look at the infection rate, which calculates the accumulated cases over the last 14 days, we see that in most counties, this rate is decreasing. In late October – early November, we had a series of eight to ten days in which we had a worrying increase in the number of cases and we ordered an additional set of restrictions, “recalled the executive director.” The important thing is that these measures have taken effect. This does not mean that if we go down, we should lower our guard, on the contrary, “he added.

Ludovic Orban says that, for example, it has been found that the number of infections in the workplace has increased, but not because of the activity itself, but because people get used to eating together and then no longer protect themselves if they are people . infected, it automatically infects others. “So we must not lower our guard, because only in this way can we significantly reduce the infection rate and once the infection rate is reduced, we can easily lift the restrictions,” said the prime minister.

Markets are opening everywhere. Orban: “This time I ask the local police and mayors to do their job!”

This is how the markets will reopen from this weekend. “Everywhere,” Ludovic Orban said. Of course, with a set of rules that will be established by joint order of the Minister of Health together with the Minister of Agriculture, probably with ANSVSA. They are protection measures that are also valid in other commercial spaces ”, said Orban.

He also explained why the markets were closed. “The problem is that these measures were not observed in the markets, it was the lower degree of compliance with the protection standards, from circuits, physical distance, use of a mask, disinfection. Rules were not followed. We have decided to temporarily suspend the operation of closed markets, without prohibiting closed markets, for a reason that perhaps few have understood: the people who usually go shopping at the market are older people. , who have the highest risk of developing severe forms, and the risk of transmission was very high, ”explained the prime minister.

“Now we are going to continue, and this time I ask the local police to do their job and the mayors to do their job, because the markets are subordinate to the mayors. The mayors and their representatives must ensure compliance with the health protection conditions, so that with the opening of the markets the risk of contagion does not increase, ”said Ludovic Orban.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
