The price of the anti-Covid vaccine distributed by the European Commission. When will it arrive in Romania?


In the first half of next year we should already have a large number of COVID vaccines available, and the price of a single dose will be between 5 and 15 euros, according to the director general of the EC department of health and nutrition.

Sandra Gallina, general director of the Department of Health, CE: “It is very important to have the vaccines on time, that they will arrive, I could say, even quickly, and have an authorization because it is clear that here we are not in a hurry. We also have a secondary element, which is the efficacy and safety of the vaccine, that is why in the portfolio we take into account vaccines that already have a good profile ”.

The official responded to questions from members of the European Parliament’s Health Committee on efforts to develop, license and produce a safe vaccine for all Europeans. Vaccines will be distributed to Member States according to population.

Sandra Gallina, general director of the Department of Health, CE: “If you have a certain population, you get a certain number of vaccines, corresponding to the proportion of the population”

Romania has more than 19 million inhabitants and is the seventh largest country in the Union, so the allocation of vaccines must be proportionate.

There is already a contract with AstraZeneca, but other companies are also targeted, just to guarantee sufficient doses for the 446 million European citizens.

Peter Liese, EPP MEP, Germany: We need to secure the liability issues. It is clear that we are moving very fast and if something unforeseen happens, of course, we will have to share the risk with the public and the company.

Sandra Gallina, general director of the Department of Health, CE: Companies are fully responsible, so stop these accusations from the media containing incorrect information so that you can be a diplomat. There is no change. Citizens can go to court to claim their rights. “

The European official also said that each state will decide who will be the first to be vaccinated, decisions that could generate discontent, according to her.
