The predictions of Bill Gates. What you think is going to happen in our lives


“Just like after WWII, women entered the labor market and many of them kept their jobs, the idea of ​​’Do I have to go physically?’. “We can ask ourselves this question”, according to Gates. This applies to work meetings, but also to other prior personal interactions.

“The idea of ​​learning or having a doctor’s appointment or a work call, say for sales, in which the interaction is done only through the screen, either through Zoom or Microsoft Teams, will change dramatically.”, Gates predicts.

2. The software will improve greatly

Not only will the idea of ​​long-distance dating seem more natural, but Gates also predicts that the tools for long-distance conversations will be perfected. “The software was a bit strange when it all started, but now people use it so much and will be surprised how quickly they will get bitten,” predicts the billionaire philanthropist.

3. Companies will call employees to the office on a rotating basis.

If certain activities can be carried out remotely, this means that we will have to take less to the office and this will have important effects. The first of these appears in the way companies make decisions about office space.

“I think people will go to the office less. It will even lead to the shared use of a company offices where employees come to work on different days.”says Bill Gates.

4. We will choose to live in different places.

Remote work also has a direct effect on social work in the community, believes the Microsoft founder. The bedroom will become the most important part of the house, the design of the houses will be rethought.

“In the most successful cities, take Seattle and San Francisco … even for a well-paid person who now spends a significant amount of money on rent”, in the absence of the need to go to the office every day, people do not will want to pay large sums of money to live in the center of the city and will retire to larger houses in the suburbs, in less crowded places “, Gates also predicted.

5. You will socialize less at work and more in your community.

Gates also notices one last knock-on effect of these changes in the way we work, and the way we socialize will change as well. We can focus more on family and the local community in which we live.

“Social contacts at work will decrease in intensity and we will interact from home, after work, let’s say in the afternoon, with friends, because there is this tendency to socialize after doing a series of things at a distance during the day, the energies will be channeled towards this direction, with a change of balance “ Bill Gates said.

6. Things will not return to normal for a long time.

Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci say the vaccine does not provide an immediate solution to the disease, because even if it eradicates the coronavirus in the United States, things will not return to normal until the world gets over the disease.

“There is a scenario in which the number of diseases will be minimal in the United States, but it will remain high in the rest of the world. Most people will be skeptical about your behavior, especially around people at high risk of disease, such as the elderly. We return to normality not only when the United States takes control of the pandemic, but also the rest of the world. “ Gates and Dr. Fauci said.

The next pandemic will be as bad as this

Gates has one last prediction to cheer us on. The coronavirus pandemic was a nightmare, but Bill Gates believes he has prepared us for only the worst, and with the next infection spreading globally, humanity will be better.

“We train and that’s why the next pandemic will have a less destructive effect. Virus control scenarios have been improved and most countries will react, such as South Korea and Australia, which analyzed the population very quickly and quarantined those infected. We will no longer be so naive. Normalcy will return when not only the United States has the pandemic under control, but also the rest of the world. ” Bill Gates also concluded, according to
