The portrait of Nicusor Dan, the mathematician who removed Gabriela Firea from the Capital City Hall


Nicusor Dan, PNL-USR-PLUS candidate for Bucharest City Council, won 41.82% of the vote in Sunday’s local elections, while his opponent, Gabriela Firea (PSD), the incumbent mayor, won a score of 37.4%, according to the partial count available at 2:00 p.m.

Nicusor Daniel Dan (50 years old) was born in Fagaras, he was attending high school in his hometown, “Radu Negru”. He developed a passion for mathematics and later went on to act in the field. He won two gold medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad, in 1987 and 1989.

He graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Bucharest. She decided to go to France to continue her studies, in 1992, and six years later she obtained a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Paris XIII.

He returned to the post of researcher at the Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy. In the country he tried to apply what he saw in the West, so he founded, together with three other researchers, the Escuela Superior Normal, following the French model, a university specializing in mathematics, informatics and biochemistry.

First contact with civic activism

In 1999 he joined the Youth Association for Civic Action.
“I wanted to be one of 1,000 people to form a coalition and say: We will change Romania! He believed in a generation that would finally take their destiny into their own hands and, motivated by the same ambitions, would make a difference in various problem areas of society. Unfortunately, very few showed up, ”Nicusor Dan recalled, according to

He specialized in the themes of the Capital related to heritage buildings and the preservation of green spaces.

The beginning of history – Association “Save Bucharest”

Nicusor Dan founded the “Save Bucharest” Association in 2008, with the aim of saving Bucharest’s historic buildings and green spaces. He had numerous conflicts with the authorities because he managed to block important projects in the courts.

Dan succeeded in blocking the installation of an amusement park at Youth Park and prevented the demolition of some heritage buildings on Kiseleff Road and in the Matache Square area.

Enter politics, determined by the breach of a promise

“We, the signatory organizations, concerned about the sustainable development of the Capital, propose to the candidates for the General and Sectorial City Councils that they sign and assume, together with the parties to which they belong, the next Pact for Bucharest”, thus began a post of April 17, 2008, from the blog of the Association “Save Bucharest”.

The pact for Bucharest proposed a strategy for the 2008-2012 term, which implied, among other things, a new General Urban Plan (PUG), streamlining the property restitution process, prioritizing public transport, with emphasis on the expansion of the metro. , expansion of bike lanes, creating green spaces, protecting historical heritage and transparency in decision-making.

Mayors elected in 2008 did not respect this pact, so Nicusor Dan realized, he says, that the only solution to achieve his goals would be to enter politics.

Nicusor Dan entered the race for the position of mayor general of the Capital in the local elections of 2012. He announced his candidacy, as an independent, in November 2011, but obtained only 8.48% of the votes in the elections, ranking in place Three. The winner was Sorin Oprescu, and in second place was Silviu Prigoana.

Save Bucharest Union, born of electoral failure

Nicusor Dan later tried to increase his visibility and have a constant presence in politics, although not from positions of leadership. He announced the establishment of the Save Bucharest Union in 2015, conceived as a local party.

“We are going to come with our vision and our project for Bucharest. We are not ideologically delimited. What we want to do is very simple: there are some problems, we want to solve them! This city does not have a vision. We come to propose it!”, He said then . Nicusor Dan, according to

The Save Bucharest Union had candidates only in Bucharest in the June 2016 local elections. 15 members made it to the Bucharest General Council. However, the PSD-backed candidates won both the mayor’s office and the district mayors.

The second try

Nicusor Dan again competed for the Bucharest City Council in 2016, when he scored more than three times higher than the first attempt, of 30.5%. However, it was not enough, Gabriela Firea (PSD) won with 46% of the votes.

The next step for Save Bucharest Union

Salvati Union Bucharest became Salvati Romania Union (USR) in August 2016, when it began to organize as a party at the national level. He began to make himself visible in the election campaign for parliamentarians in 2017, when USR supported Dacian Ciolos for another term as prime minister.

Then, PSD returned to get its first place, with 45.67% of the votes, followed by PNL, with 20.41%. USR came in third place, with 8.92%, securing 13 seats in the Romanian Senate. Nicusor Dan became a deputy from Bucharest and leader of the USR group in the House.

The Permanent Electoral Authority denounced the existence of illegalities in the financing of the party. Nicusor Dan was reluctant to admit Dacian Ciolos to the USR because he did not want the party to be associated with the image of the former prime minister.

Tensions arose between the USR leaders when the PSD initiated a referendum to change the definition of family in the Constitution, as the union between man and woman.

Several members of the USR argued that the party should have an official position, in opposition, while others like the USR cannot take a position as there is no unanimity of opinion among the members.

Nicusor Dan was reelected with 173 votes out of 251 in the USR Congress on May 13.

“It was an agreement that we had from the beginning of the formation of this party, it was an implicit agreement for everyone when we entered the RSU: that the party accepts ideological plurality. I find that we waste a lot of energy in the debate between progressives and Worse yet, I see my colleagues as extremists or at least they do not accept the other’s point of view. Instead of using this energy together in the things that unite us, so we enter politics, “said Nicusor Dan from the platform of the Congress of the USR.

The disputes continued, so Nicusor Dan resigned even when USR was two years old, on June 1, 2017.

He remained in the post of deputy, being constantly opposed to Gabriela Firea. It had 73 legislative proposals, among which it focused on air quality, education, public purchases, development of entrepreneurship and new jobs, repeal of special pensions, etc.


Nicusor Dan won the local elections in 2020, becoming the new mayor of Bucharest and defeating Gabriela Firea, although he constantly tried to attack and defame him with dubious information, the most controversial being that had to do with the underworld. .

Nicusor Dan, meanwhile, made the “Firea-Pandele octopus” public, revealing the “jokes” of the Capital City Council during a press conference.

“I will show that Bucharest is managed on the basis of the commentary, that people who are gentle, neighbors, business partners or children of neighbors, of nations are promoted,” said Nicusor Dan during a press conference on the campaign. election, when she revealed 33 names and showed how they are related to Gabriela Firea and Florentin Pandele, her husband, the mayor of Voluntari.

Despite all obstacles, Nicusor Dan scored a resounding victory: “Today is the birthday of the new Bucharest. I am happier for your joy than for my own,” said Nicusor Dan after the exit poll results. .

Nicusor Dan, the man behind politics

Nicusor Dan gave an interview to during the electoral campaign, together with his partner, Mirabela, but also in front of them, Aheea, being for the first time when he exposed his personal life.

Nicusor and Mirabela founded the Save Bucharest Association in 2006, with Mirabela being a co-founder. Their love story began in 2005, when they met at Club A. Nicusor Dan admits that he made the first move by asking her to dance.

They weren’t going to make it to that club. Mirabela had a train ticket to go home to Vaslui, but that day a friend of hers returned from France and convinced her to stay, to go to the club. Nicusor Dan went out alone, he used to do that again.

About childhood, he says that in summer he would go with his grandparents and eat polenta with milk every night. He was not a quiet child, so he broke his head four times. In high school he had 10 at stake and in high school he also had very good results, but he focused more on mathematics. He was also an idiot, especially when he went to handball team games.
