The PMP turns its weapons against the NLP and positions itself as the main critic of the “Marxists” of USR-PLUS


“Romanians had God by their side only when it was most difficult for them in wars, famines or communism. Therefore, the forces of order must be vigilant and behave with the utmost caution in the coming period. The citizens of this country will also respect the uniform application of the law. Images of people crammed into the airport in a state of emergency will not be forgotten too soon, just as scenes in which police officers enter a place of worship and share sanctions in outrageous ways cannot be forgotten. I believe that the Church must remain open and involved in the process of combating the effects of the pandemic, ”said the PMP leader.

He then compared going to church to going to the store, arguing that going for bread should be the same as going to church. A day later he took up his idea again, criticizing the government that there were situations in which churches were closed unjustifiably.

“There have been situations where churches have been opened unjustifiably. There is so much pressure on the idea that you are not allowed to go out, that some take it for granted that it is prohibited in the church. I think that just as you can go to buy bread in the store, you can also go to pray in church, and this should be clearly explained to people, that no one forbids them to light a candle in church. Those rules must be followed, but you can also go to church, ”Tomac said.

In addition, he did not agree with the Executive’s decision to close schools, following the example of other European states.

“In Brussels, for example, children go to school. In fact, only three countries of the European Union have closed their schools, we, the Bulgarians and the Greeks. There is also a Christmas fair in Brussels (…) I think the Indications from the World Health Organization should be treated with more responsibility in our country, but let us know that life, however, continues with the necessary caution, “added the leader. PMP.

Harsh criticism of USR-PLUS: a neo-Marxist party

After the PMP sent out a press release on November 20 comparing Dacian Ciolos to Russian President Vladimir Putin, former President Traian Basescu came back with an attack on USR-PLUS on Sunday night.

“A neo-Marxist party, which had the audacity to propose that we live together, only that the reaction was extremely harsh in society. It is a white-collar party in the administration and the multinationals. One can only stick to the label of the neo-Marxist party, the progressives. Cioloş is their leader. They propose to give up the specific values ​​of competitive liberal society, “Traian Băsescu was quoted as saying by

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