
Planet Jupiter it is in the spotlight after researchers made a new discovery, but this time not on the planet itself, but on one of its size, but in a distant galaxy. Kepler-88 is the name that the researchers chose for the distant planet that the researchers consider to be 3 times larger than the planet Jupiter, this being the largest in our solar system, so you can imagine how big the other is. .

Planet Jupiter It has a mass that is 300 times larger than that of Earth, so Kepler-88 would have a mass 900 times larger, its discovery was made by analyzing 6 years of data collected from the universe. That planet has two other smaller planets around it, unlike the planet Jupiter that has none, it also has an unusual orbit around its star, in contrast to the other two planets that have orbits similar to those in the solar system.

Planet Jupiter: the discovery that surprised researchers

Planet Jupiter it has a normal orbit around the sun, but in the case of Kepler-88 and nearby planets, the orbits are different, with variations even between the periods when they complete an orbit around their star. This variation can last up to half a day, and until now researchers have been unable to discover what is happening there and why there are such large variations in how planets move in that region. .

“A team of astronomers led by the University of Hawaii Institute of Astronomy (UH IfA) discovered a planet three times larger than Jupiter in a distant planetary system. The discovery is based on six years of data. Using the HIRES instrument on the 10-meter Keck I telescope, the team confirmed that the planet, named Kepler-88 d, orbits its star every four years, and its orbit is not circular, but elliptical. With three times the mass of Jupiter, Kepler-88 d it is the most massive planet in this system. “

Planet Jupiter The researchers use it as a reference for the size of the planet so far away, and you can see in the video above how they observed what is happening at such a great distance. The researchers were amazed at how the two planets smaller than Kepler-88 orbit around the star, and how big the differences are in terms of completing each rotation, all without explanation.

Planet Jupiter It is still the largest in our solar system, but there are many others in the universe that are much larger and have many more mysteries.
