The Orban government resists. Non-compliance with the motion of censure for absenteeism in Parliament. Is the vote postponed or canceled?


TO UPDATE: The session of Parliament is suspended due to lack of quorum: 226 senators and deputies are counted

TO UPDATE: PSD sources say the party cannot gather more than 231 parliamentarians present for the vote, which heralds a failure of the vote of no confidence.

The meeting was resumed with a roll call to verify the meeting quorum. In the absence of 233 deputies, the motion of censure will not be debated or voted on and the session will be suspended.

One possibility is to postpone the discussion of the motion of censure tomorrow, September 1, at the beginning of the ordinary session of Parliament, but the option is uncertain due to the constitutional provisions related to the voting procedure. The PNL alleged that the presentation of the motion in an extraordinary session is unconstitutional and notified the RCC.

Another option is to cancel the procedure.

TO UPDATE: Ciolacu, a new statement, on the possibility of postponing the motion of censure: If there is no quorum, we reschedule the vote.

Ciolacu says he will propose the exclusion from the party of the three missing PSD MPs from Parliament who invoked medical problems: Carmen Dan, Cătălin Rădulescu and Adrian Todor.

“The three sick? Mr. Todor, Mr. Rădulescu and Mrs. Carmen Dan. If we continue to force things like this, I will propose to the National Political Committee the exclusion of all three. None of them are ill.”, transmitted the PSD leader.

TO UPDATE: Prime Minister Orban: The motion is complete.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said the vote of no confidence presented by 206 PSD parliamentarians “is consumed” and is outside the constitutional framework. He rejects Victor Ponta’s accusations that there is “a PSD-PNL accountant.”

“The motion is outside the constitutional framework. We await the decision of the Court. From my point of view, the motion is consumed, but we must wait for the decision of the CCR”says Ludovic Orban.

He rejects the scenario in which the vote on the motion of censure could be postponed and rejects Víctor Ponta’s accusations that there is “a PSD-PNL accountant.”

Tomorrow the ordinary session begins, this is another invention and nonsense, to enter another session with the motion. Understanding when you file a motion of no confidence? What deal? It’s the understanding that they want to take us down and the understanding that we want to defend ourselves. “adds the prime minister.

TO UPDATE: Marcel Ciolacu explains the absence of the parliamentarians from the plenary session and promises that all the elected members of the PSD will be present at 3.30 pm to debate and vote on the motion of no confidence.

The leader of the PSD, de facto promoter of the motion of censure, justified the absence of the parliamentarians from the plenary session by the fact that, in order to respect the health protection laws, 465 deputies and senators could not be in the room.

“Everyone is present. To respect the laws of the country, you cannot put 465 parliamentarians in the plenary session. All those from the Social Democratic Party will be present,” Marcel Ciolacu said.

TO UPDATE: The UDMR announces that it will reach the plenary, but does not vote on the motion.

The UDMR parliamentarians will not vote for the motion of no confidence because it is a power struggle between PSD and PNL, announced the leader of the Union, Kelemen Hunor.

“I understood from PSD that they have a majority without us, this means that there is also a quorum. If he has a majority, he also has a quorum. As for the motion, it is the power struggle between PSD and PNL. From April to last week, in many situations, NLP and PSD are very close. I go together, especially when, to quote a contemporary, someone with cretinism comes or other cretinisms, then they are very fast. They go ahead, vote, form majorities. Today we have to let them handle this motion. “announced, on Digi24, Kelemen Hunor.

He also says that, “in an extremely cunning way, everyone is trying to lure you into this war.”

“When we get to the vote we will say present, but we will not vote, as we have done several times.”Kelemen Hunor said.

TO UPDATE: At 2:00 p.m. the spectacle of the motion of censure in Parliament began with a pause. In the absence of the parliamentarians of Power, but also of the Opposition, the PSD was unable to gather even 233 parliamentarians in the plenary hall.

The session is suspended until 3.30 pm due to lack of a quorum. PSD must bring in about 60 MPs in an hour to complete the number needed to start the session. Since the chances are slim, the vote on the motion could be postponed.

At the opening of the meeting called for the debate and vote on the motion of censure, 170 deputies and senators were announced, out of a total of 465.

After a consultation between the leaders of the parliamentary groups, the session was suspended for an hour.

If it is found that the presence is not sufficient, it is possible to postpone the vote on the motion of censure.

Prime Minister Ludovic Orban and his cabinet ministers are present in the plenary hall of Parliament.

Orban had said that the political position of the liberals was very clear: “we do not participate in this potion of cyanide.”

Both the PMP and the USR have announced that they will not be present in the room.

PSD Senator Carmen Dan announced on Facebook that she is absent from the session of Parliament in which the motion of censure is voted, because she is in self-isolation because her mother tested positive for the new coronavirus.

For the government to be removed, a minimum of 233 deputies must vote in favor of the motion of no confidence.


If you like to gamble, now you have the opportunity to practice your chances at Ciolacu and Orban. But pay attention to the numbers. Those on paper can fool you. At least 233 votes are needed for the motion to pass.

Or the parties that support the motion, PSD, Pro Romania, ALDE and PPUSL gather, at this moment, on paper, exactly 233 parliamentarians. However, the calculation on paper does not match the actual one. In reality, PSD loses votes from hour to hour. At least 4 so far. According to some Social Democratic sources, Carmen Dan, Adrian Todor, Cătălin Rădulescu and Valeriu Steriu will not be present at the vote.

Despite Sorin Grindeanu warning that PSD senators and deputies who will be absent for no reason will be excluded from the party.

The Social Democrats wait for the help of minorities, of which they also received 7.8 votes on other occasions. The other formations allied with Orban. PNL, USR and PMP will not participate in the vote, and UDMR has indicated that it will not vote on the motion of no confidence during that period.

Kelemen Hunor will officially announce whether or not the UDMR participates in the vote and how to vote, just before the start of the joint plenary session. Marcel Ciolacu also has the name of a prime minister on his bag. If necessary, PSD will propose, according to some parliamentary sources, Leonardo Badea, now deputy governor of the National Bank of Romania.

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