The oldest woman in Cluj passed into the eternal. You met George Cosbuc! What was the secret of longevity?


“The oldest woman in Romania is from Gherla. We now have her in our care. We managed to get through this difficult period, when the disease took many lives and especially affected the elderly. It’s fine On June 21, we hope to celebrate her 108th birthday. She was never married and has no children. Is this the secret to longevity? “

But life had a different opinion. Less than a week after Maria Ana Morariu, caressed by Tanti Mitzi, was introduced as the oldest woman in the entire country, the nice old woman, who was supposed to be 108 on June 21, went on to be eternal on Saturday. at 107 years and 10 months.

The year of his birth, 1912, coincides with the launch of the most famous ship in history: the Titanic. Unlike the famous ship, Tanti Mitzi brilliantly passed the centenary, was never ill, and did not even have a family doctor. “From the knee up I feel for 30 years!” He said in 2014, in an interview for

Her father was the mayor of Gherla. He met the great poet George Cosbuc!

Maria Ana Morariu’s mother was German and came to Romania from Hungary. His father, Teodor Morariu, was an honorary archpriest-councilor, appointed by Iuliu Hossu, Greek Catholic Bishop of Gherla, on the Nicula Monastery Administration Commission in 1924. Between 1936-1938, Teodor Morariu was the mayor of the city. Gherla.

During his tenure, on May 3, 1936, the bust of the Romanian historian Petru Maior was inaugurated, in front of the secondary school of the same name. The former mayor studied theology, but did not practice. He had liberal convictions, and in 1936 the party “propelled” him to the headquarters of the mayor of Gherla. He was also director of the bank “Concordia” in Gherla.

He survived the war, he did not allow himself to be overthrown by the nationalization of the Communists!

After a happy childhood, in a rising city, the most difficult period of life for Tanti Mitzi was the war years and what followed World War II. He clearly remembered the events of the conflagration, when the Germans withdrew and the Russians came from the hill.

“The Germans, the Hungarians and even the Russians I met were very nice people. Most of them were very young, they were children,” he said in a previous interview. Then, after nationalization in 1948, she was forced to move from the house on Dragoș Vodă Street to a small room in a house on present-day Armenian Street.

“I couldn’t sleep hungry at night!” The woman confessed. However, Maria Ana Morariu was lucky enough to meet the great Romanian poet George Cobuc, who visited her father and General Traian Moşoiu in Gherla!

Simple life, the secret of longevity. Her grandparents lived more than 100 years!

Fascinatingly, the woman’s grandparents were also long-lived, two of whom lived up to 105 and 106 years, respectively. In turn, Tanti Mitzi enjoyed life with good and bad, despite the fact that she was never married. She had no children, but she admitted that she wanted a quiet and uncomplicated life.

He had two brothers, one of whom died at the age of 96. The other died young at the age of 60. So are all his friends, who passed away forever. In the last years of her life, her relatives were with her, visiting her almost weekly. Aunt Mitzi had five grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

His funeral will take place on Monday, on a small stage, in the cemetery near the Gherla penitentiary.

God rest her in peace!
