The official Nobel Prize ceremony was canceled due to the pandemic. It’s a 1944 premiere


The official Nobel Prize ceremony on December 10 in Stockholm was canceled, a premiere in 1944, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nobel Foundation announced on Tuesday, according to AFP and dpa.

However, a televised ceremony is planned, which will be broadcast from the Swedish capital on December 10, in the absence of the winners who will receive their prizes remotely in their countries, reports Agerpres.

The names of the winners of the various awards (Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace and Economics) will be announced from October 5 to 12 in Stockholm and Oslo.

A small Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is scheduled for December 10 in Oslo, but in a very small format, the head of the Nobel Institute previously announced.

In Stockholm, on December 10 of each year, the date on which the death of the creator of the Nobel Prize, the Swedish scientist and industrialist Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), inventor of dynamite, is commemorated, the prizes awarded by the Swedish committees: Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, Literature, in which the most recently created Prize for Economics is added.

“The last time there was a ceremony in Stockholm was in 1944, during World War II.”Gustav Källstrand, a historian at the Nobel Foundation, told AFP.

“However, there will be a digital ceremony this year.”, specific.

During World War II, no various awards were given or handed out, although Sweden was not involved in the conflict. The 1944 awards were awarded retroactively in 1945.

In 1940, 1941 and 1942 no prizes were awarded and no ceremonies were held.

This year, “the idea is that the medals and diplomas are delivered safely to the laureates in their countries of residence, most likely with the help of the laureates’ embassies and universities,” explained the Nobel Foundation.
