The number of schools in Bucharest that remain closed has increased at the beginning of the school year – Education


Eight schools in Bucharest go from the yellow stage to the red stage, and five from the red stage to the yellow stage, announced the Prefecture, after the meeting of the Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations.

Thus, the transition from the Yellow Scenario for organizing and conducting courses in Bucharest schools to the Red Scenario for organizing and managing schools in Bucharest was approved for the following schools:

1. The “St. Vasile cel Mare ”- Gheorghe Pop de Băseşti Street no. 26a, sector 2

2. Colegio Nacional Colegio Central – Str. Icon no. 3, 5, sector 2

3. Leonardo Da Vinci Secondary School – Str. Gheorghe Petrașcu, sector 3

4. Kindergarten no. 245 – Str. Tunsu Petre no. 9, sector 5

5. High School 280 – Str. Serg. Ghe. Donici no. 4a, sector 5

6. Gymnasium School 126 – Str. Lereşti no. 12, sector 5

7. Adrian Păunescu High School – Al Valea Prahovei no. 1, sector 6

8. Zâna Florilor Kindergarten – Str. Ciudadela no. 10, sector 6

At the same time, the transition from the Red Scenario for the organization and implementation of courses in Bucharest schools to the Yellow Scenario for the organization and management of schools in Bucharest for the following schools was approved:

1. Secondary school 179 – Str. Ardealului no. 34, sector 1

2. High School 156 – str. Dealul lui Tugulea no. 35, sector 6

3. Ghe Post and Telecommunications Technical School. Airinei – Str. Novelists no. 1, sector 6

4. Rainbow Kids Elementary School – Str. Gral Ion Dragalina Nr. 8, sector 5

5. Garmy Kids Kindergarten – Sos. Vitan Bârzești no. 7d-7e, sector 4.

The Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations decided that, from 14.09.2020, the educational process organized in the “face-to-face” mode for a period of 14 days should be suspended, for the Teddybar kindergarten of Șoimăreștilor no. 29, Sector 1, Bucharest, and for the “Viilor” Bucharest de Sos Economic College. Viilor no 38, sector 5, Bucharest.

The Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations of Bucharest had adopted, on Thursday, a decision approving the yellow scenario for the organization and conduct of courses in 595 educational units in the Capital, a scenario approved by the Directorate of Public Health and the School Inspection. Likewise, the red scenario of organization and deployment in five educational units of the Capital was approved.
