The number of “red” schools in Bucharest is increasing


UPDATE 20:00 There are eight schools ranging from yellow to red alphabet. These were announced by the Bucharest Prefecture, after the meeting of the Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations:

1. The “St. Vasile cel Mare ”- Gheorghe Pop de Băseşti Street no. 26a, sector 2

2. Colegio Nacional Colegio Central – Str. Icon no. 3, 5, sector 2

3. Leonardo Da Vinci Secondary School – Str. Gheorghe Petrașcu, sector 3

4. Kindergarten no. 245 – Str. Tunsu Petre no. 9, sector 5

5. High School 280 – Str. Serg. Ghe. Donici no. 4a, sector 5

6. Gymnasium School 126 – Str. Lereşti no. 12, sector 5

7. Adrian Păunescu High School – Al Valea Prahovei no. 1, sector 6

8. Zâna Florilor Kindergarten – Str. Ciudadela no. 10, sector 6

“The Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations decided that, as of 09/14/2020, suspend the face-to-face education process, for a period of 14 days, to Kindergarten Teddybar of Şoimăreştilor no. 29, Sector 1, Bucharest and for Economic College of Vineyards of Bucharest de Sos. Viilor no 38, sector 5, Bucharest“was mentioned in the statement.

They also passed from the red stage to the yellow stage:

  • Baccalaureate 179 of sector 1
  • 156 Baccalaureate in sector 6
  • Ghe. Airinei Technical College of Post and Telecommunications Sector 6
  • Rainbow Kids Elementary School in Sector 5
  • Garmy Kids kindergarten in sector 4.

The Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations of Bucharest had adopted, on Thursday, a decision approving the yellow scenario for the organization and conduct of courses in 595 educational units in the Capital, a scenario approved by the Directorate of Public Health and the School Inspection. Likewise, the red scenario of organization and deployment in five educational units of the Capital was approved.

UPDATE 19:00 The Minister of Education announced at a press conference that there are currently 29 schools in Bucharest that have adopted the red scenario. Another 607 schools are on the yellow stage.

The number of schools that remain closed has increased as several schools in the yellow stage have requested to switch to the red stage due to unfinished repair and rehabilitation work. A meeting of the Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations is still ongoing at this time and the decision is not yet finalized, but these were the data sent to the Minister of Education before the press conference.

Schools in the red dash will do education exclusively online.

UPDATE: The Minister of Education, Mónica Anisie, declared this Saturday, after the meeting with the school inspectors, that within the Committee on Emergency Situations the decision will be made to change the applied scenario in the case of two educational units, which will go to online courses. , given that new cases of COVID-19 have been detected.

“It is about the central school and a kindergarten, the” Flower Fairy. “They requested, by decision of the board of directors, that it be sent today to the school inspection. We are waiting for the Committee on Situations of Emergency of the Municipality of Bucharest meets to make the decision of the red scenario in these cases.

In kindergarten, we are waiting for the completion of the DSP investigation, because it was announced last night, ”Anisie said.

The minister specified that teachers who will be isolated at home will be able to participate in the courses during this period online, as well as during the period in which the courses were suspended.

TO UPDATE: The Minister of Education, Monica Anisie, affirmed that the scenarios applied to the start of schools in the Capital could change, if the school inspectors consider it necessary.

“Yesterday I had a discussion with the prefect of the School Inspectorate and with the general school inspector of Bucharest, as well as with the director of DSP. I asked them to review all the scenarios proposed by the schools and decide if it is necessary to review some scenarios.

There is also a situation that arose in the central school, today they will decide. I go to the Bucharest School Inspectorate to see what the situation is yesterday and today.

At 09:00 am I attend the meeting with the school deputy inspectors general, with the general inspector and with the institutional development inspectors of each sector.

We are in a dynamic, if something happens we have to make quick decisions, to intervene where necessary ”, said Anisie.

Initial news;

Yellow or red, this is the color riddle that school principals in Bucharest must discern tomorrow. Just one day before the big start of education, the number of schools in the Capital, for the moment, in the red scenario could decrease, foryou that an Emergency Situations Committee meeting will be held on Sunday morning for a new division.

According to Digi24 sources, the situation in Bucharest established the Thursday following the Municipal Committee could change. So far it is known that there are 595 educational units, state and private, included in the yellow scenario (the list can be consulted here) and 17 educational units in the red scenario. However, it is quite possible that some of the schools included in this last scenario, the emergency scenario, will move to the yellow scenario, since the situation at the educational institution level seems to have room for improvement. An example would be at the “St. Andrei” School in Sector 6 of the Capital, where those containers in which modular classes can be organized arrived overnight, this being the savings option that the local authority found for better organize students in classes.

On Sunday morning there would be a meeting at the Bucharest School Inspectorate. Important decisions are expected after the visit that the Minister of Education, Mónica Anisie, made on Saturday in Sector 5 of the Capital, where she went to the field to see the situation of the School Gymnasium no. 280. This school, originally on the yellow stage, is not really ready to start classes, as there are still unfinished renovations. The management of the school proposed the red stage until October 1, and the minister went to see personally what the status of the works is.

Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
