The number of COVID cases is collapsing in Romania


After tests carried out at the national level, compared to the last report, 2,049 new cases of people infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID – 19) were registered, cases that had not previously had a positive test.

To date, on December 27, in Romania, 615,809 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID – 19) have been confirmed. 540,437 patients were declared cured.

15,230 people diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection died.

Between 26.12.2020 (10:00) – 27.12.2020 (10:00) 122 deaths (78 men and 44 women) were reported, of some patients infected by the new coronavirus, hospitalized in Alba, Arad, Argeş, Bacău, Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Botoşani, Braşov, Buzău, Caraş-Severin, Cluj, Constanţa, Dâmboviţa, Dloj, Galaţi, Gorj, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Maramureş, Mehedinţi, Neamţ, Mare, Praşiufo, Satvhova and Vaslurance Bucharest.

Of these, 1 death was recorded in the age category 30 to 39 years, 3 deaths in the age category 40 to 49 years, 14 deaths in the age category 50 to 59 years, 26 deaths in the age category age 60 to 69 years, 44 deaths in the age group 70 to 79 years and 34 deaths in the category over 80 years.

116 of the deaths registered are of some patients who presented comorbidities, for 4 deceased patients no comorbidities were registered and for 2 deceased patients, no comorbidities have been reported so far.

In specialized health units, the total number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is 9,781. Of these, 1,206 are hospitalized in ATI.

To date, 4,718,625 tests have been processed nationwide. Of these, 7,783 were performed in the last 24 hours, 5,688 according to case definition and medical protocol, and 2,095 on request.

In Romania, 36,124 people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus are isolated in their homes and 9,501 people are in institutional isolation. Additionally, 55,820 people are in home quarantine and 117 people are in institutionalized quarantine.

In the last 24 hours, 2,182 calls were registered to the single emergency number 112.

As a result of the violation of the provisions of Law no. 55/2020 on some measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the police and gendarmes applied, on December 26 of this year, 4,070 penalties for minor offenses, in the amount of 835,890 lei. Likewise, through the competent structures of the Police, yesterday 6 criminal proceedings were raised to frustrate the fight against diseases, a fact foreseen and sanctioned by art. 352 Penal Code, in which 14 people are investigated.

Regarding the situation of Romanian citizens in other states, it was confirmed that 7,044 Romanian citizens were infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (coronavirus): 1,939 in Italy, 1,290 in Spain, 167 in Great Britain, 125 in France, 3,085 in Germany, 93 in Greece, 49 in Denmark, 36 in Hungary, 28 in the Netherlands, 2 in Namibia, 4 in the USA, 4 in Sweden, 123 in Austria, 22 in Belgium, 6 in Japan, 2 in Indonesia, 11 in Switzerland, 3 in Turkey, 2 in Iceland, 2 in Belarus, 2 in Bulgaria, 10 in Cyprus, 2 in India, 2 in Ukraine, 8 in the United Arab Emirates, 12 in Moldova, 2 in Montenegro and one in Argentina, Tunisia, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Republic of the Congo, Qatar, Vatican, Portugal, Egypt and the Russian Federation. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic and so far, 128 Romanian citizens abroad, 33 in Italy, 19 in France, 43 in Great Britain, 11 in Spain, 14 in Germany, 2 in Belgium, one in Sweden, one in Switzerland, one in the United States, one in Brazil, one in the Republic of the Congo and one in Greece, they have died.
Of the Romanian citizens confirmed with the new coronavirus infection, 798 were declared cured: 677 in Germany, 90 in Greece, 18 in France, 6 in Japan, 2 in Indonesia, 2 in Namibia, one in Luxembourg, one in Tunisia and one in Argentine.
