The newest couple from Romania. They rocked show business!


Bianca and Livian de Puterea Dragostei ended their love affair. They decided to part ways after winning the second season of the dating show on Kanal D.

The man quickly reoriented himself, so today, a few weeks after his ex-girlfriend split, he already has someone.

Problems between them arose over time, Livian said. A series of minor disappointments on Bianca’s part would have led to the separation.

“When I got to her, I don’t know why, I had the impression that it is as if you were losing interest in someone and you wanted someone else. You are so cold … and I had this impression when I saw her. She did not jump to take me in her arms, but she didn’t do this because she was nervous about something else.

I was nervous for another reason. I stayed with her, Bianca’s claim that I slept with Pete is silly and I was fired for I don’t know for what purpose. You can’t say such a thing, even if it were a caterpillar, “Livian said on her YouTube channel.

Livian has already found peace in the arms of another woman. The “wolf” appears more and more with the new partner, Florentina, whom she says she is “aware of.”

The negative parts surfaced once the man found another love, claiming that fans of his ex-girlfriend criticized the new partner. As a result, Livian publicly asked people not to resort to such gestures when it comes to Florentyna.

“This is all between me and Bianca, I don’t understand why other people are involved. Why are you involving the girl I’m dating? If she’s attacking someone, you can attack me. Don’t appear, in my followers,” Livian said, according to Cancan.
