The new structure of the Government. What will the new ministries be called?


The government approved on Monday the draft Emergency Ordinance on the new structure and reorganization of ministries.

Some ministries will change their name as they will have new responsibilities. A novelty is that the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center will be created.

In accordance with the normative act, the attributions of the deputy prime ministers will be established by decision of the prime minister, and the necessary expenses for the development of the activity are ensured from the State budget through the budget of the General Secretariat of Government.

Reorganization of ministries

– Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism – through the reorganization of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment;

– Ministry of Energy – assuming the activities and specialized structures in the field of energy of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business Environment;

– Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure: through the reorganization of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications;

– Ministry of Investments and European Projects: reorganizing the Ministry of European Funds;

– Ministry of Education: reorganizing the Ministry of Education and Research;

– Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization – assuming the activity and specialized structures in the field of research and innovation of the Ministry of Education and Research, respectively in the field of communications of the Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Communications.

– The Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration changes its name to the Ministry of Development and Administration of Public Works

– The Ministry of Public Finance changes its name to the Ministry of Finance.

– The Romanian Digitization Authority will report to the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization.

– The Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center is created, a specialized body of the central public administration, with legal personality, subordinate to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The organization and operation of the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Center will be established by decision of the Government.

The other ministries will remain as they were before.
