The new strain of coronavirus is controllable


The new coronavirus mutation detected in the UK is more easily transmitted, but can be kept under control just like the other strains, World Health Organization (WHO) officials said, according to DPA, cited by Agerpres.

“The situation is not out of control, but neither can it be left to chance,” Mike Ryan, director of the WHO emergency department, said at a news conference urging states to implement proven health measures. .

According to the WHO, people who become infected with the new strain transmit the virus on average to 1.5 other people, compared to an infection rate of 1.1 for previously known strains in the UK.

British scientists are still trying to find out to what extent this increase is caused by mutations in the virus and how much it has to do with behavioral factors among the population, said Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO technical director for the COVID-19 pandemic. . So far, there is no evidence that the new strain produces more serious or deadly forms of the disease, he said.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
