The new anti-COVID restrictions in the UK could be in place for six months. The announcement was made by Boris Johnson


Britain fears the worst and imposes stricter restrictions. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday, and the new rules will take effect in the coming days, gradually, according to the BBC.

  • Commercial personnel should wear protective masks.
  • Weddings will have a maximum number of 15 participants.
  • Those who do not comply with the restrictions will pay a fine of hundreds of pounds, which increases gradually
  • Employees who work in the office should work from home as much as possible
  • Bars, restaurants and pubs cannot serve indoors as of September 24.
  • Covered team sports are prohibited if there are more than 6 members.
  • Taxi drivers and passengers must wear a mask starting Wednesday, September 23
  • Plan for fans to return to stadiums in England from 1 October is no longer valid
Plans for fans to return to stadiums in England on October 1 have failed, says Cabinet Minister Michael Gove. They were examined earlier this month after a surge in coronavirus cases, with pilot events limited to 1,000 people. The Covid-19 alert level in the UK has been moved to 4, which means that transmission is “high or growing exponentially”.

The prime minister did not stop there, warning that “much more drastic restrictions” could be taken if necessary. He also said that “similar measures” had been taken on the rest of the island.

The UK is on an upward slope in terms of the number of COVID-19 cases. Currently, it has 4,926 new cases, registered on Tuesday and 37 deaths.

New restrictions, “carefully analyzed”

The prime minister assured citizens that the new rules have been carefully analyzed and that it is not a new quarantine.

The government will guarantee, through additional funds, the existence of police forces in cities to ensure that citizens comply with the rules.

As the prime minister imposes new restrictions and sends police to the streets, investigators are trying to find the best solutions.

The “rival” groups of scientists are facing headaches over how the government should deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. One group recommends that only people over 65 and vulnerable people be protected with restrictive measures, while the other supports measures at the national level. Contradictory advice to the British government came in two open letters issued Monday by “rival” groups, The Guardian reports. The two positions highlight a schism in the scientific community on how to tackle the second wave of coronavirus in the UK.

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