The motion will be voted on and adopted


“The Social Democrats are ready to take over the government until the parliamentary elections,” said PSD First Vice President Sorin Grindeanu. “It seems essential for Romanians to know that the PSD has a government program with realistic objectives. We are ready to take swift action. The PSD will overthrow the Orban government to repair Romania urgently.”

“Romanians are tired of promises of great achievements because they have seen that such a thing does not happen. They want to be told honestly what goals can be achieved, even if they are smaller, in a decent range. We are not PNL who proposed a dossier with SF objectives with thousands of kilometers of road and other phantasmagorical investments, then announced that it will restart the economy in a golf course with promises for the year 2030 ”.

Grindeanu declared that “all parliamentarians will have the PSD government program on their desk tomorrow.” “We have been preparing in recent months by organizing dozens of focus groups to better understand the expectations of Romanians,” he said. The first vice president of the PSD spoke about the need to take measures that will be applied as soon as possible, until the parliamentary elections at the end of the year.

“It seems natural to us to go first with measures ready to be implemented next month or in two or three months, not in two or three years, especially since the government that will be installed is one with an extremely short mandate. – until the December elections, ”Grindeanu also declared.

“The absolute priority is Health. We have a professional management program based on several strategic pillars: transparent communication of pandemic data, reaching the level of infected people in each locality or reporting the number of people who have developed antibodies, a coherent plan for population tests, a protocol made public and weekly update of the test algorithm, increasing the response capacity in situations of epidemiological risk, support to the private environment in COVID-19 crisis.

Here are examples of measures that strengthen the state’s response to the pandemic: We introduced full reimbursement of testing costs for all suspects and partial reimbursement for on-demand testing, similar to partial reimbursement for medications. The deadline is September. We introduce the possibility of tax deduction for tests after setting a maximum cost per test. Deadline September. Provide masks for disadvantaged people, provided by the Ministry of Health and distributed by local authorities. Deadline: the first week of government. Provide the necessary protective equipment for medical personnel and I mean not only at the hospital level, but also at the level of family doctors’ offices, dentists, laboratories and specialized outpatients under contract with CNAS. A lump sum is established and the first proposal is 1000 lei per month per full-time doctor.

In Education, PSD proposes an integrated and detailed program on online education and a program on the digitization of educational resources for all beneficiaries of education, promising “fair access” for all pupils and students in Romania, through the purchase of computers. laptops and tablets with Internet subscription, for those from underprivileged categories, for pupils and students who request it, but also for teachers. “We will implement the national program to connect schools to the Internet. We need to fix what the NLP Government has done and unblock the auction for tablets and laptops. Deadline: September.”

Economically, PSD supports the development of production in Romania and proposes to “rethink the production chains on internal components”. The first vice president of the Social Democrats also added that “an important chapter” in the PSD government program is the increase in income and purchasing power.

“This is actually what is at stake with the motion of no confidence: we fight for the income of Romanians, from children to students, employees of private or state companies and even retirees.” That is the fundamental difference between us and liberals. They cling to power to steal the country’s money in the midst of a pandemic, we are fighting for that money to reach the pockets of Romanians, not the accounts of NLP companies, “said the leader of the PSD.

Regarding the motion, “the PSD is based one hundred percent on the votes of the PSD parliamentarians,” Sorin Grindeanu stressed. “I am convinced that this motion of censure will be voted on and approved tomorrow.” Whoever does not appear tomorrow (not Social Democratic parliamentarians) or votes against, if there is no objective cause, it means that they are no longer part of the PSD team. I want to be as clear as possible from this point of view. Whoever does not vote tomorrow for the motion of no confidence in PSD or finds unrealistic causes for not being present means that they are not part of the PSD team, ”said Grindeanu.

The motion is supported by PSD, ALDE and Pro Romania. The motion will also be voted on by several national minority parliamentarians. The PMP has already announced that it will not participate in the vote on the motion, while the UDMR deputies will decide on Monday, before the motion, how to vote. USR announced that it will not participate in the vote on the vote of no confidence.

The motion of censure will be debated and voted on on Monday, starting at 2:00 p.m.

Editing: Cristina Iancu
