The miraculous health benefits of quince leaves


Quinces, full of vitamins and minerals, strengthen the body and act as a powerful antioxidant. With its help, you can quickly get rid of the first symptoms of a cold.

With a high content of water (70-72%), sugars (6-13%), vitamins (A, B, PP) and minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium), quinces provide health benefits if they are consume as such. , in the form of natural remedies, or used in the preparation of desserts.

Quinces deal with digestive health, respiratory problems, but also burns or eczema.

All the components of the quince are used for therapeutic purposes: the leaves, the fruits, the seeds, the back of the fruit and even the bark of the young quince twigs.

Quince leaves contain organic acids, of which quinic acid has the highest concentration (approximately 72%), followed by citric acids (approximately 13%), oxalic, malic, fumaric and shikimic. In these leaves there are many other phytochemicals with proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, such as quercetin and rutin.

Quince leaf tea benefits:
– treats diseases of the liver and pancreas: due to the many vitamins contained in the quince leaves, they are used as an infusion and for nervousness, depression, agitation, insomnia. Quince leaves have sedative effects, and the substances in the leaves and fruits are antidepressants.
– treats high blood pressure and regulates blood sugar: diabetes is another disease that can be controlled by infusing quince leaf tea. A tablespoon of quince leaves in a cup of boiled water, divided into three, is enough.
– Excellent remedy for colds, flu and gastrointestinal infections: Quince leaf tea is an excellent remedy against dandruff and is used with confidence to strengthen and nourish hair.

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May 5, 2020, time: 8:14 p.m.

Mihaela Culcinschi

Ion Casian:

Former Deputy and Vice President of the Bar Association, Ion Casian, is outraged by the police decision to fine Priest Pavel Borșevschi for non-compliance with prophylaxis and prevention of epidemic diseases, although he strictly followed all recommendations …

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