The Ministry of National Defense supports the reform of the military pension law


The Minister of National Defense, Nicolae-Ionel Ciuca, and the Secretary of State and head of the Department of Relations with Parliament and Quality of Life of Personnel (DRPCVP), Marius Balu, met this Tuesday at the Ministry of National Defense with representatives of the Forum of Associative Structures of Military Personnel in reserve and in retirement.

“We have decided together that the Ministry of National Defense and the Forum of Associative Structures of the Armed Forces in the Defense, Public Order and National Security System will support, with certain necessary amendment proposals, PL-x No. 199/2020 – the bill that modifies and complements Law No. 223/2015 on state military pensions and the establishment of measures in the field of state military pensions I will maintain constant contact with the representatives of the Forum and will always support the military in reserve and retired The Ministry of National Defense is and will always be together with the associative structures of the personnel that were part of the Romanian Army ”, declared Minister Ciuca, according to a statement from the Ministry of National Defense.

The Minister of Defense assured the retired military members of the full involvement of the military institution in solving the problems pointed out by the associative structures of military personnel in reserve and in retirement, especially in the matter of updating military pensions.

He also informed the representatives of the Forum that it approved, on Tuesday, the document that provides for the optimization of the process of public information on military pensions and the quality of life of personnel from the perspective of the legislative process and the application of national legislation and regulations. specific. The purpose of these steps is to improve cooperation with the associative structures of active, reserve and retired military personnel, says the Ministry of National Defense.

The army will be more active in communicating with retired military personnel, through the two structures with direct responsibilities related to them: the Ministry of Pensions of the Ministry of National Defense and the Department of Relations with Parliament and the quality of life of personnel. . They will update and improve their Internet pages. they will administer a forum dedicated exclusively to the issue of military pensions, they will create and manage pages dedicated to the issue that concerns our older adults and will periodically organize, on social media, question and answer sessions on military pensions ”, said the Minister of National Defense .

The President of the Forum appreciated the efforts made by the Ministry of National Defense and thanked the opportunity provided on this occasion to hold, at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, this meeting of the representatives of the associative structures of military personnel in reserve and retirement.

The Ministry of National Defense presented a series of observations on the bill to reform and complement Law No. 223/2015 on state military pensions and the establishment of measures in the field of state military pensions (PL-x 199/2020) and will support this project in the legislative process, the principles considered: the elimination of major discrimination in the military pension system to express the differences in the amounts of the pensions for the beneficiaries who retired in different time intervals, but who occupied, occupied or had the same grades, positions and seniority; creation of the legal framework for the recalculation of military pensions, procedure carried out in relation to the seniority capitalized by the last pension decision and related to the legal provisions on the salary of the military, policemen and prison police applicable to that date, in identical conditions of military / professional position; the creation of the legal framework to update, after the date of full application of the Framework Law on the remuneration of personnel from public funds, military pensions, provided that the balances of degrees / professional balances and balances of functions are increased of the military, the measure that will not allow another breach.

Likewise, the Ministry of National Defense supports the elimination, staging, of the inequities created by the succession in time of the normative acts of the military pension system, referring to the provisions of Law No. 153/2017 on the remuneration of personnel paid from public funds, with subsequent modifications and completions; granting the right provided for in article 11 of Law No. 80/1995 on the status of military personnel, with subsequent amendments and terminations (retirees awarded the order “Sign of Honor” classes III, II and I benefit from an increase of 10, 15 and 20 percent, respectively, the amount of the pension).

The associative structures that carry out their activity in the areas of responsibility of the military institution are those associations / foundations whose purpose and objectives are limited to the areas of responsibility of the Ministry of National Defense.

The Department of Relations with Parliament and Quality of Life of Personnel, through the Directorate of Relations with Parliament, had, this year, several activities dedicated to retired military personnel, but the physical interaction with the representatives of the associative structures was limited from the second quarter of the year. of the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.

Map of the 2020 local elections. List of all candidates for the county councils and municipalities of the main cities of Romania
