The Ministry of Health is making plans for the third wave of the pandemic in Romania


The Ministry of Health is preparing for a wave 3 of the pandemic in Romania, estimating that there is a very high probability that the British strain of the coronavirus, but also the South African, will begin to spread intensely. There are experts who say that this wave 3 will make its presence felt in Romania in late March – early April.

“It just came to our attention then. We may soon be talking about the South African strain, as there are already reports in Europe of the presence of this strain. The strain from Great Britain has some peculiarities, mainly the one targeting children, having a higher rate of transmission and contagion to this group of people, so we already have extra care. In addition, the speed with which it is expanding in all other countries should give us pause, “he said on Sunday, in Digi24, Andreea Moldovan, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health.

Asked if the Ministry of Health is preparing for this eventuality, of a new intense circulation of coronavirus in Romania, Andreea Moldovan assured that the ministry has a reserve plan for this increase. “Because we think it is very possible that a wave 3 will appear in our country as well, so we are in discussions during this period and I think we will take a great first step next week. It will be about the reorganization of the hospital system COVID, not COVID ”, Detailed the Secretary of State.

“We need to adapt to what we have now, a decrease in the number of cases, but let the possibility that if the number of cases increases, we can quickly resort to increasing the accessibility of COVID patients, but especially the quality of attention “. . So, we are working and we hope to arrive next week with a plan in this regard, ”Andreea Moldovan announced.

In this context, the doctor says that everything he sees and hears about parties and crowds on the ski slopes is “absolutely incredible.”

“It would have been expected that in a pandemic year, in which there were many people who got sick and, unfortunately, there were also people who died, to know how to be wiser. The problem is also of those who organize this type of meetings and parties, but also of those who agree to participate, because they are unnecessarily exposed to risks ”, said the Secretary of State in an intervention in Digi24.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
