The Ministry of Education arrives with clarifications about the continuation of courses in pre-university education


County school inspectorates and Bucharest school inspection, as well as pre-university education units, have an obligation to provide educational resources to students who do not have access to information technology and the Internet in situations where the process of teaching encounters difficulties. a statement quoted by Agerpres.

As of November 9, by order of the Minister, teaching activities that require the physical presence of preschoolers and students from pre-school, primary, secondary, high school and post-secondary education units were suspended for a period of 30 days.

The Ministry of Education and Research announced this Monday that it will analyze and establish ways to continue activities in pre-university education, based on the evolution of the epidemiological situation that led to the decision to suspend courses and the decisions of the National Committee for Emergency Situations.

We mention that, depending on the evolution of the epidemiological situation that generated the initial suspension decision and the decisions of the National Committee for Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Education and Research will analyze and establish ways to continue activities in pre-university education and will inform to public opinion. in due time ”, assures the Ministry of Education.

According to the MEC, during this period, when courses cannot be face-to-face, the teaching process is organized online, in accordance with the Framework Methodology for carrying out teaching activities through technology and the Internet, as well as for processing of personal data, approved by order of the Minister of Education and Research no. 5,545 / 2020.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
