The ministers proposed in the Government of Cîțu were approved by the specialized commissions. Voting in plenary session continues


The ministers who will be part of the Government of Cîțu were heard in the specialized committees of Parliament. The 18 proposed ministers received a favorable opinion.

After listening to the ministers, the vote in the plenary session of Parliament follows. For the Government of Cî Gobiernou to be invested by Parliament, 228 votes “in favor” are needed. The PNL-USR PLUS-UDMR coalition has a total of 244 parliamentarians. Additionally, some of the 18 national minority MPs will vote for the government.

Also read DOCUMENT. Florin Cîțu presented the government program to Parliament. What are the promises of the new government

The vote in plenary is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. After the investiture vote, the ministers will be sworn in at the Cotroceni Palace.

The opinion of the specialized commissions of the ministers of the Government of Cîțu

Nicolae Ciuca, Ministry of Defense: 18 votes in favor, 13 against;

Raluca Turcan, Ministry of Labor – 24 votes in favor, 16 against;

Sorin Cîmpeanu, Ministry of Education: 20 votes in favor, 13 against and two abstentions;

Lucian Bode, Ministry of the Interior: 20 votes in favor, 10 against;

Stelian Ion, Ministry of Justice: 41 votes in favor and 26 against;

Virgil Popescu, Ministry of Energy: 31 votes in favor and 18 against;

Cristian Ghinea, Ministry of Investments and European Projects – 16 votes in favor and 5 votes against;

Adrian Oros, Ministry of Agriculture – 19 votes in favor, 12 votes against

Cseke Attila – Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration – 21 votes in favor, 13 votes against

Claudiu Năsui – Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism – 26 votes in favor, 16 votes against

Cătălin Drulă, Ministry of Transport – 18 votes in favor, 13 votes against

Tancsoz Barna, Ministry of the Environment – 22 votes in favor, 17 votes against

Vlad Voiculescu, Ministry of Health: 20 votes in favor, 5 against and 5 abstentions

Novak, Ministry of Youth and Sports: 17 votes in favor, 1 against

Bogdan Aurescu, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 23 votes in favor, 9 against and 3 abstentions.

Bogdan Gheorghiu, Ministry of Culture – 13 votes in favor, 4 against

Ciprian Teleman, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization – 20 votes in favor, 10 against

Alexandru Nazare, Ministry of Finance: 20 votes in favor, 12 against.

Editing: Robert Kiss
