The Minister of Health announces national tests for coronavirus after June 1 / The two variants of tests considered – Coronavirus


Health Minister Nelu Tătaru announced Sunday a national test to verify the immunization level of the population, but also the spread of the coronavirus. It would start after June 1.

Nelu Tătaru specified that it can be a test only for antibodies, that is, serological tests will be used or a combined test with the molecular ones that are currently being done. Antibody tests are performed in countries affected by coronaviruses such as the United States, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Germany. In Romania, such a campaign has so far been announced by the City Council in collaboration with the Matei Balş Institute, but is currently blocked.

“We have a test we are doing, in collaboration with the National Institute of Public Health and the National Center for the Control of Communicable Diseases. But we will do it about three months after the start of the pandemic, to assess both the immunization status of the population like the one of later evolution. It will start after June 1. We need to see when the pandemic will end, or the first stage of it. Because we are not going to go down yet. Today we have 331 cases, but in the context in which it was yesterday Saturday and testing is less. We evaluate based on the number of cases at the time. The budget depends on how we request it. Whether we request it only from serological tests or we duplicate it with molecular tests. Depending on the case, in areas of large outbreaks, in small outbreak areas. We will test the volunteers, but the volunteers we were looking for in certain outbreaks, “the minister told Europa FM.

What are serological tests?

Serological tests reveal specific IgM and IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The presence of specific IgM type antibodies or the specific titre of IgG type antibodies in the covalence phase ≥4 times greater than the identified titer in the acute phase can be used as a diagnostic criterion for patients with suspected SARS-CoV infection -2 with negative results. to viral nucleic acid detection tests, according to the Medical Microbiology Commission of the Ministry of Health.

Detection of IgM-type specific anti-SARS CoV2 antibodies (support of the primary immune response) will allow detection of acute infections, but with a latency interval (minimum 7 days after infection), compared to detection of acid viral nucleic.

Serological tests should only be performed with validated tests, with very high sensitivity and specificity, which limit false negative and false positive results.

Serological tests will be especially relevant after the epidemic for evaluating the seroprevalence of infection in the general population (IgG) and asymptomatic infections, as well as for evaluating the persistence of post-infection natural immunity. In a pandemic context, serological tests could be used to discharge patients considered cured, possibly after self-isolation / quarantine, in parallel with viral RNA screening tests, which would complete the epidemiological profile, detecting seroconversion in parallel with the tack clearance, also shown in the document.

It is not recommended to replace molecular diagnostic tests with rapid antibody tests, since a negative test can induce a false sense of security in infected patients due to the late onset of seroconversion. Furthermore, positive tests indicating the presence of IgM should be confirmed with RT-PCR tests; A positive IgM test can also occur in healed people, which greatly limits the usefulness of this method in diagnosing infections and limiting transmission.
