The Minister of Health announces an emergency ordinance for medium and mild cases of COVID-19. How the asymptomatic will be treated


Patients with mild and moderate forms of Covid-19, as well as asymptomatic ones, will be able to stay at home, under the control of family doctors, while serious cases will be hospitalized, Health Minister Nelu Tataru announced on Thursday. He says the government is preparing an emergency ordinance on the matter, which will be issued next week.

“We are preparing an emergency ordinance for medium and mild cases of asymptomatic illness, to remain at home, under the supervision and monitoring of the family doctor, and the means of transportation of the Department of Emergency Situations will schedule them for investigations. additional paraclinical. When the symptoms appear, they are taken and hospitalized in the hospital units ”, declared this Thursday Nelu Tătaru, according to Agerpres.

The Minister of Health also specified that family doctors, through separate additional contracts, with the House of Health Insurance, can monitor by telemedicine or provide medical services to the Directorate of Public Health for epidemiological investigations.

Also read: Tătaru, on when Romania will be able to produce Remdesivir: this year and next, no
