The Minister of Education presents the situation of schools: how many educational units in the country are on the red stage


Just three days before classes start, the authorities are upset. In more than 6,000 schools, students will attend classes on Monday. But in 2,000 other schools, children will learn half at home and half at school, alternately.

TO UPDATE. Finally the situation of the Bucharest schools was clarified. Five schools in the capital fall into the red stage, according to the capital’s deputy mayor, Aurelian Bădulescu, quoted by

Initially, the authorities had announced that there are 12 schools on the red stage, in Bucharest, where the courses will be held exclusively at distance.

In the yellow stage, with the rotation of classes at school and at home, by groups of students, there are 595 schools in Bucharest, Bădulescu said.

Nationwide, 101 schools will be closed.

Decisions were made by special emergency committees in each county. In Bucharest, the situation has not been fully clarified and the announcement is expected around midnight.

Local authorities have not yet finalized a list of the three scenarios in which schools will operate at the start of the new school year, Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan announced Thursday night.

Monica Anisie, Minister of Education, said that, at this time, “reports are missing from Bucharest, Bihor, Brăila, Dolj, Gorj, Giurgiu, Mehedinți, Maramureș, Prahova, Satu Mare, Suceava and Teleorman.”

According to the minister, there are 43 locations on the red stage, where the courses will be held online.

In total, 6,116 schools across the country are on the green stage, 2,711 on the yellow stage, and 101 on the red stage.

School boards had until September 10 to present to emergency committees, DSP and school inspections the scenario in which they decided to start the school year.

At the moment, we do not know which scenario will apply for each school in Romania.

-► the green stage: the school operates under normal conditions

-► yellow writing: school courses are held in a mixed system, at home (on the Internet) and at school

-► red writing: access to the school is totally restricted

The Health Minister recently specified that there are currently 3,181 administrative-territorial units in Romania, and each of these units will receive an evaluation, according to which the opening of the school year will take place, with a scenario for each school unit. .
