The Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, was infected with coronavirus


The Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment, Virgil Popescu, was positively confirmed with coronavirus. The announcement was made by him on a social network.

“Today I tested positive for COVID – 19. I followed the protocol and I am sure it will be fine. On Saturday I was tested to go to Israel. The test was negative. On Sunday night I had flu symptoms. Today I had one new test., which was positive, “he wrote on his Facebook page.

Virgil Popescu says he has symptoms, but they are not serious and claims that although he followed all the rules, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is “not forgiving.”

“I have no serious symptoms. People close to me are fine.
Take good care of each one of you. The mask can protect you. I followed the rules, but this virus is not “forgiving”. I’m sure I will get through this period too. That there is a lot of work to do ”, concluded the Minister of Economy.

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Negative Covid Test Results for Members of the Government Delegation Visiting Israel

Members of the government delegation that will visit the state of Israel and Palestine on Tuesday and Wednesday carried out COVID tests on Monday, which had a “negative result”, after the Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, announced that he tested positive with the new coronavirus, according to government information.

“To travel, the members of the delegation carried out today (Monday – no.) Tests, which were negative. In addition, members of the Cabinet do not fall within the definition of direct contacts, ”the information reads.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban will pay an official visit to the State of Israel and Palestine, where he will be accompanied, among others, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, and the Minister of National Defense, Nicolae Ciuca.

Editing: Alexandra Andronie
