The medical system is close to the limit. “If no action is taken, we will lose the battle with the virus”


SAlarm signal issued by Dr. Virgil Musta on the day that Romania registered a double pandemic record. 73 people died in one day and 608 patients were admitted to intensive care. More than 9% of the tests performed in the last 24 hours were positive, which means 2,121 new infections. Musta, the head of the infectious diseases department of the Victor Babeș Hospital in Timișoara, says the medical system is close to the time when doctors will have to decide who treats and who doesn’t. The system is close to the efficiency limit and if no action is taken, “we will lose the battle with the virusHe warned.

THE a natural consequence of the cases that have been increasing steadily in recent weeks and this increase also leads to an increase in intensive care cases and consecutive deaths. Unfortunatelyayou, thanks anshoulder Fsite great peaceNew Testamentand infected, diseasea it also reaches people with significant comorbidities. Comorbidities that progress severely and require intervention in intensive care units. That’s the reason for which is this sectionmeI’m full for which patientt interned in TO YOU cannot be registered in a weekpostpone, two, but here givena the average is more than 3-4 weekspostpone, taking the seats and here we are somewhere at the bottom of the available seats. Like I said, the glass was full.

We don’t know what to do next, they are trying to find a solution.meand, but it’s a difficult time for our health system and for population for that, you see, the consequences are very tragic, andshoulder very high deathsHe told Digi24.

The doctor says that hospitals are already full in many parts of the country.

We receive requests for hospitalization from patients, we no longer have space in ATYo, we are trying to target these patients in intensive care units of support hospitals, where there are 1-2 more seats, no more, and patientsmeand they do not require intensive care mewe take them in the same way. If you require oxygen, we have a major difficulty, p. Ex.entryou that he no longer hascomes places in the section there, we can only take shapes May light and directionalComplicatedm everything where we find another place. Every day we try to discharge patients who can be discharged and go to isolation at home ca immediately occupy that bed with a more serious patient“, he said.

The doctor warns that the health system is close to the hospitals being full and the doctors will have to decide who to treat.

METhey haven’t put us in a situation yet, but we are very close. I know, I only know this situation before the revolution when it comes to peaceNew Testamentii with chronic hemodialysis, due to faPthat there were not enough devices, not everyone could benefit, and there was age triage, risks It was horrible, I never wanted to be in the situation of the doctors who did this triage and we are fsite support for being in this situation“Musta said.

It adds that if prevention measures are not followed, Romania runs the risk of entering an uncontrollable phase of the pandemic.

Athis is a big disappointment to me. I think that our fight is divided into the fight in the hospital and the fight to communicate to the community what is important.ortant. Prevention stands alonea viable solution and foundto I didn’t have fsite great success this communication work. northYou think the opening or these events are the cause. We should to born CthentinuComplicatedmy lifeanot should To get caught in a pandemic, any activity can be done if the rules are followed: spacing, mask use, and hand hygiene. Sigur will increase number of cases, if action is taken today fsite efficient, rezultatul it will be more than 2 weekspostpone. I think mentrăm mentr-does itComplicated uncontrollable pandemic, that efsite difficult to handlethe said.

I watched what happened in mewaist, when peacemenorthţthey got out of control. Y You saw what the consequences were, what tragedies there were. In moment when so many cases come to overwhelm us and to we no longer know that to We do it, we do not know who to leave at home, where we can treat them, there will be much, much tragedy in our families“The doctor warned.

He says some restrictions are needed, where the number of cases is high, to limit the spread of the virus.

Sbutter somewhere on the headComplicatedour effective fight and if no action is taken, we will be completely ineffective and lose the battle with the virus.Added.

Editing: Monica Bonea
