The mayor of Sângeorz-Băi, who was filmed humiliating his daughter, definitively sentenced in another criminal case


Facebook / Traian Ogâgău

Traian Ogâgău

Traian Ogâgău, mayor of the tourist town of Sîngeorz-Băi, was definitively convicted by the Cluj Court of Appeal, in the case in which he was sent to trial for refusing to take a breathalyzer, as well as to take biological samples.

The appeal of the mayor of Sângeorz-Băi, Traian Ogâgău, to the sentence handed down in July by the Court of Năsăud, for which he was sentenced to one year in prison with suspension for refusing or evading the taking of biological samples, was rejected this Monday . , by the Cluj Court of Appeal, transmits Agerpres.

“Based on art. 421 point 1 letter b of the Code of Criminal Procedure, rejects as unfounded the appeal declared by the defendant OT against criminal judgment no. 95 / 09.07.2020 of the Court of Năsăud. In accordance with the Article 275 paragraph 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure criminal procedure, obliges the recurring defendant to pay the amount of 500 lei representing the legal expenses incurred by the resolution of the appeal. Final. Delivered in public session, today, 10/12/2020 “, mentioned on the website of the Cluj Court of Appeal.

The file on the refusal to take biological samples was registered at the Năsăud Court in December 2018, and the sentence was handed down after a year and a half.

According to the decision published on the court’s website, Traian Ogâgău was sentenced to one year in prison with suspension, with a supervision period of two years, during which he must follow the course of road legislation and provide 80 days. unpaid work for the benefit of the community in the field of public services, including within the mayor’s office that he directs.

Traian Ogâgău won, two weeks ago, the second term of mayor of the tourist town of Sângeorz-Băi in Bistriţa-Năsăud county, as an independent candidate.

During the election campaign, Ogâgău was charged in another criminal case, for ill-treatment of his youngest daughter, after the appearance in public of a video material filmed by the mayor during a skiing holiday in Austria.
