The mayor of Constanța, message for His Eminence Theodosius after he continued to defy sanitary rules


The mayor of Constanța says he will have a serious discussion with His Eminence Teodosio about his refusal to give up the pilgrimage organized for Saint Andrew’s Day.

“Here is the justice of Solomon. I had a discussion on this issue with His Holiness and he argued to me that just as man needs physical food, he also needs spiritual food. And that is part of the fundamental rights, the right to faith. For me, on the other hand, science has ruled my whole life.

I think the rules should be followed in this case. I am going to have a very serious discussion with IPS Teodosie, because we cannot expose the world, “said the mayor on Wednesday night, on B1 TV, writes

He also stated that he does not understand this situation in the context in which many faces of churches were infected with the new coronavirus, and even some priests died.

“I believe that the Archdiocese should also follow the rules,” Chițac concluded.

The Court of Constanta rejected the request of His Holiness Theodosius to make a pilgrimage to Saint Andrew. That did not stop the high prelate from urging people to go on pilgrimage. Furthermore, he sent a letter to the prime minister, telling him that the people had endured enough and that he would not allow the right to honor Saint Andrew to be trampled on.

While the Constanza magistrates rejected the request made by the Tomis Archdiocese against the local authorities, asking that they be allowed to organize the Saint Andrew pilgrimage, His Eminence Theodosius held a service in a church in Constanza. One by one, the parishioners were removed from the police, because during the quarantine, services are organized only outside places of worship. Furthermore, dozens of people did not even wear protective masks.

Publisher: GM
