The mask can be removed in Romania! Ready, no muzzle. We have the official announcement


Therefore, the CNSU management decided today that the protective mask should can be removed in open spaces, but only for short periods of time. Among other things, This measure is valid during periods of smoking.. Too, the mask can be removed from the face when eating food or drinks outside the terraces. At the same time in Romania You can briefly give up the mask when engaging in individual sports activities.

Countries and areas of epidemiological risk

At the same time, officials of the National Committee for Emergency Situations also adopted Decision 50 on the approval of the list of countries / areas of epidemiological risk. For these, the quarantine measure is instituted for people arriving in Romania.

In addition, the measure will also help clarify some aspects related to the application of the provisions of GD no. 856 / 14.10.2020 on the extension of the alert state and the measures to be applied during it. Every effort is being made to prevent and combat the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

Outside the list of risk states and areas, the decision clearly states that the sanitary mask can be removed only if people are outside the pedestrian traffic areas and can respect a distance of at least 2 meters from other people. For short periods of time, be careful!

What does the CNSU’s decision stipulate?

This is what the CNSU’s decision stipulates: “In localities or counties where the use of a protective mask in open spaces is mandatory, it is allowed to remove it for short periods of time to smoke, consume food or beverages outside the terraces, as well as for individual sports activities or other similar activities, only if the people are outside the pedestrian traffic areas and at least two meters from other people “.

The list of countries and areas of epidemiological risk for which quarantine is required for people arriving in Romania can be consulted below. Among the countries mentioned, Italy is missing, a state where there is a large Romanian community.

Andorra, Vatican, Czech Republic, Belgium, French Polynesia, Guam, Netherlands, Armenia, Luxembourg, Slovenia, France, Gibraltar, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Argentina, Spain, Slovakia, Great Britain, Georgia, Malta, Bahamas, Costa Rica , Croatia, Ireland, Poland, Bahrain, North Macedonia, Portugal and Puerto Rico are on the list updated by CNSU.

The mask is mandatory in open spaces

The number of confirmed cases with Covid-19 is increasing alarmingly overnight, and Bucharest entered the red stage on Tuesday at 00:00! In the last 24 hours, 2,466 new cases of people infected with SARS – CoV – 2 were reported. Unfortunately, 59 people lost their lives, while 757 patients with COVID-19 are hospitalized in Intensive Care.

We remind you that on October 20, the Municipal Council for Emergency Situations decided that in Bucharest the use of a protective mask should be mandatory in all open public spaces. Those who refuse to comply with the measure and are caught in the street without a mask run the risk of receiving a fine of between 500 and 2,500 lei, according to Law 55/2020 on alert status.

Furthermore, the Emergency Situations Committee decided at that time that all Bucharest kindergartens, kindergartens, schools and universities should suspend their activity for at least two weeks.

source: Agerpres
