The mandate of deputy of Francisc Tobă (AUR) has not been validated. George Simion’s reaction


Facebook / Francisc Tobă

Francisc Tobă

The mandate of Francisc Tobă, elected deputy in the lists of the Alliance by the Union of Romanians, was not validated, on Monday, by the validation commission, announced the leader of AUR, George Simion.

The validation of his mandate was postponed for 4 days, for verification, after accusations that he was involved in the repression of the 1989 Revolution.

“Today, a mandate was not validated by all parliamentarians – Francisc Tobă’s mandate and I really appreciate the position taken by UDMR and PSD in this regard and the other parties, of course, did not vote to validate their mandate and I congratulate them too. We will collaborate with all political forces, we want to make an opposition, but a constructive opposition in the interest of the Romanian nation and we are open at any time to respond to the press ”, said George Simion, who is part of the validation commission, according to Agerpres .

He stated that Francisc Tobă is not part of AUR.

“In fact, someone who was on the lists of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, is not part of the GOLD party, this Francisc Tobă, of whom we also discovered, had signed up on the last day, he came from another party, he was general secretary There I discovered that there were suspicions about him, so I did not want to validate the mandate of this man until he clarified his legal situation. The Revolution and Mining files must be brought to justice and not handed over for various reasons, “added Simion.

Why the mandate of Francisc Tobă was not validated

The Commission for the validation of the Chamber of Deputies decided on Monday to postpone for 4 days the validation of the mandate of Francisc Tobă based on article 7 paragraph 4 of the Regulations of the Chamber of Deputies. Gabriel Andronache, Vice President of the Commission, testified for

“The postponement of the validation of the mandate of a deputy is proposed by the Validation Commission to the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, for a later date, if all aspects related to the resolution of some appeals within the stipulated period could not be clarified and if the deputy in question did not present all the documents required by the current legislation for the validation of his mandate. Within a maximum period of 10 days from the clarification of the issues that justified the postponement, the Validation Commission will propose the validation or nullity of the mandate, as the case may be ”, shows paragraph 4 of article 7 of the Regulations of the Chamber of Deputies.

The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate met on Monday at 12:00, following the convocation decree issued by the President of Romania, following the parliamentary elections on December 6.

On the first business day of the new senators and deputies, the commissions will be formed to validate the mandates, the mandates will be validated and the parliamentarians will take the oath. The procedures are similar in the two Chambers, with differences in the number of members of the validation commissions and the percentage of mandates that must be validated to be considered a legally constituted chamber.

In the Chamber of Deputies they are two thirds and in the Senate three quarters. In both cases, an oath must be taken for a court order to be validated. According to the current president of the Chamber, Marcel Ciolacu, several absences could be registered after a case of COVID-19 was registered in the group of national minorities.

AUR co-chair George Simion announced on Saturday that Francisc Tobă’s parliamentary mandate will not be validated. He said that this was a difficult decision, that it could affect the game, but that he considered more important to be fair and honest.

Born in 1953, Francisc Tobă graduated from the Bucharest Military Technical Academy, where he became a “weapons and missile specialist” and was president of FSN Sibiu and deputy of FDSN in 1992.

Tobă’s name appears in the file related to the repression that took place in Sibiu, during the events of December 1989.
