The Levant Institute’s response to Clotilde Armand: You don’t know what you’re talking about! Appeal to all courts – Essential


The Instituto Levante building is as unsuitable for a school, as the MEP cabinet inaugurated by Clotilde Armand in Calea Victoriei, is the response of the Institute, after the mayor of Sector 1 said he wants to take over their building. and turn it into a school, according to Mediafax.

After Clotilde Armand proposed the inauguration by the mayor of the building where the Institute for Advanced Studies for Culture and Civilization of Levante operates, the representatives of the institution said that the mayor “does not know what he is talking about” and threatens to appeal to all administrative, civil and criminal courts. to obtain the conviction of those guilty of “lies” taken to public space.

“He had this revelation going through the Arc de Triomphe. Really? If he had really passed and looked carefully, he would have realized that the headquarters of the Levante Institute is not a few meters from the Arc de Triomphe, as he says, and that it is not suitable for a school. The series of detours at the Levante Institute, started by writer Gabriel Liiceanu and former USR senator Vlad Alexandrescu, continued by USR deputy, Iulian Bulai, is now taken over by the mayor from Sector 1 of the USR, the Instituto de Levante and demagoguery of the first order. It insinuates that no one knows what the Instituto Levante is doing, “the people of the Institute say in a press release.

They say that it was very easy for the mayor of Sector 1 to find out what the Institute is doing: looking for information on the site.

“Perseverance in presenting the Levant Institute as a sinecure may be construed as functional illiteracy, but it certainly shows a lack of professionalism and bad faith. The conferences organized, the programs and projects launched, with the participation of prestigious personalities from the international academic world, the editorial appearances abundantly show that the employees of the Levante Institute do not receive money without doing anything. On the contrary, they bring prestige and respect to Romania ”, say the representatives of the Levant Institute.

The representatives of the Institute also accuse Clotilde Armand with respect to the statements that “the institution pays annual salaries in excess of 500 thousand euros.”

“It is a lie. If he had searched for the truth, he would have discovered that a second degree expert advisor has a monthly income between 2,746 lei – 3,028 net lei, and a first degree expert advisor has a monthly income of 3,464 net lei. The salary for a scientific researcher I (equivalent to a university professor) is 5,132 net lei, for a scientific researcher II (equivalent to an associate professor) – 4,177 net lei, and for a scientific researcher III: 3,117 net lei ”, they say.

Those of the Levante Institute say that they reserve the right to appeal to all administrative, civil and criminal courts to obtain the conviction of those guilty of these “lies.”

At the end of the statement, representatives of the Institute ask Clotilde Armand if her seat as a member of the European Parliament would not be suitable for the school.

“A question for the mayor. I spent last Sunday night in Calea Victoriei and saw a sumptuous headquarters that said: Clotilde Armand – MEP. What do you say, wouldn’t it be good for a school? Don’t you take that too?”

The mayor of Sector 1, Clotilde Armand, proposes that the mayor take over the building where the Levante Institute operates to transform it into a school.

“There is a great challenge for the Sector 1 schools, which are increasingly crowded. We want to eliminate the overcrowding in the classrooms as soon as possible so that our students can learn in civilized conditions. Today we pass by a building located a few meters from the Arch de Triunfo. The building is called the Institute of the Levant. During the period in which Romania was directed by Dragnea, this Institute for Advanced Studies of the Culture and Civilization of the Levant was established, directed by the former president of Romania, Mr. Emil Constantinescu . What is this institution doing ?! Nobody knows. It is only known that the institution pays annual salaries in excess of 500 thousand euros. What for ?! But let’s go back to the schools. Considering the deficit of the educational units in Sector 1, I propose to take the building where the Levante Institute currently operates and transform it into a school ”, the mayor of the sector wrote on Facebook on Sunday night. r 1.

Clotilde Armand states that, for example, Pia Brătianu School Nr. 2., where students learn in three shifts.

“We need to invest in the future of our children and put aside the failures of the past,” added the mayor on the social network.
