The leaders of PNL, USR PLUS and UDMR signed the guiding agreement 2020 – 2024. DOCUMENT


The leaders of PNL, USR PLUS and UDMR – Ludovic Orban, Dan Barna, Dacian Cioloş and Kelemen Hunor – signed, on Monday night, the government agreement 2020-2024. The ceremony that took place in the Palace of the Parliament was also attended by the prime minister proposed by the coalition, Florin Cîţ

This document should establish the principles that will guide the leaders of the coalition in the next term.

The government led by Florin Cîțu will have two deputy prime ministers: Dan Barna and Kelemen Hunor.

The future Executive will have 18 ministries, which were divided as follows:

-► NLP9 ministries: Defense, External, Finance, Internal, Education, Energy, Agriculture, Culture, Labor

-► USR PLUS, 6 ministries: Justice, Transport, Health, European Funds, Research, Innovation and Digitization, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism

-► UDMR, 3 ministries: Development, Environment, Youth and Sports.

The presidency of the Senate will belong to a candidate of USR PLUS, and that of the Chamber of Deputies to a candidate of the PNL.

The coalition also agreed with the secretaries of state. From the information available so far, it appears that there will be 2 secretaries of state from the other 2 parties who do not have the leadership of the ministry. For example, if a ministry is run by NLP, it will have, say, one or two secretaries of state from USR-PLUS and UDMR.
