The latest bombshell in show business. What happened to Emily Burghelea after the Antena scandal


For Emily Burghelea, the Direct Access scandal was one of the most difficult and saddest moments of her life. However, Emily seems to have successfully overcome this hurdle and learned to enjoy life again.

After resigning, Emily Burghelea fled the world and, willingly or not, fell in love.

Recently, he posted an extremely emotional message on social media. “I have loved you for a long time and yet you always manage to surprise me! At the top of the mountain, where the people are strange and the fir trees, although there are no shops, tens of kilometers from the city, where they do not even climb Taxis… .. You managed to send this beautiful bouquet of flowers from Bucharest and you managed to make me cry with joy. It is the first time I have been away from you in more than two days… It was difficult for me, but YOU knew how to calm my longing! I love you I love you I love you! ❤️ See you in a few hours, “wrote Emily on Instagram, next to the photo in which she holds a large bouquet of flowers in her arms.

“It’s Dani Mocanu”, “I can’t take them anymore”, “When will they present it?”, “Beautiful gesture of love”, “I love you, you are a beautiful girl”, are the comments that Emily received immediately. .

Later, Emily posted a photo of a man giving her a back rub. The image was accompanied by the message: “Close your eyes and relax. What do you feel? What do you hear Where does your mind go? Are you lost in the background noise or do you become one with your body, mind and soul? Are you present Do you live every moment of your life or, sometimes, you don’t know how the days go by? Are you happy? What makes you happy? Who can you be with? Who are you when nobody sees you? Do you consider yourself a good man? What do you think is the purpose of your life? Ask yourself. Always ask yourself. “

“After a long but beautiful train ride, I arrived in Sibiu, took the bus to the top of the mountain and here I am! Finally I am in Păltiniș, by a fireplace, reading a good book. I will be here for a few days because I am participating in a very interesting event called Reborn Retreat. A kind of spiritual detox. Interesting, right? I am fascinated with these topics. Maybe I should talk more about this here on insta! What are you saying? Let me know❤️ LOVE, ”wrote Emily, according to Cancan.
