The last calculations of the party before the elections: the unknown sea and a possible surprise for the parliamentarians of Sunday – Politics


With the ballot boxes on the table, the parties are making their final calculations for Sunday’s parliamentary elections. The percentages are currently only on paper, the unknown sea that can turn everything upside down, say the political leaders consulted by, being present in the vote.

According to internal party polls, it would not increase by 40%. In PSD, a presence is estimated at around 38%, in NLP between 35% and 37%, and members of the USR also say that it will not exceed 40%.

The Social Democrats and Liberals are making intense efforts in the last hundred meters to mobilize their people in the territory, because they fear that due to the pandemic, people will not go to the polls. PSD members hope this will not affect them and rely on a greater presence in rural areas where they have a larger electoral base and where people are more relaxed when it comes to the coronavirus.

In the PNL and USRPLUS polls, the Liberals are the winners of these parliamentary elections, trading at percentages ranging between 30% and 32%. Significant differences are found in the case of PSD, which ranks second and is attributed 27% in the internal NLP survey and 23% in the USR survey.

Regarding the participation of the party led by Dan Barna and Dacian Cioloș, the polls ordered by the Liberals place it at 23% and their own at 21%.

In Social Democrats polls, PSD ranks first with a 30% -31% share, followed by NLP with 29% -30%, and third is USRPLUS with 15% -16%.

UDMR, with emotions, has a rating of 5%.

In party polls, Victor Ponta’s Pro Romania is fighting at the 5% electoral threshold, having the most optimistic turnout in some sociological research at 7% to 9%.

The PMP has every chance of staying below the electoral threshold, according to pre-election polls.

In the internal PNL survey, a party appears as a possible surprise in these elections. The Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR) of George Simion and Claudiu Târziu, with a nationalist discourse to the extreme, cites 6% in the investigation commissioned by the liberals.

In fact, the first vice president of PNL Rareș Bogdan admitted in an Antena 3 program that AUR appears in the latest polls and has every chance of entering Parliament.

And the UDMR leader, Kelemen Hunor, believes that AUR will enter Parliament. “If the UDMR will have to remain in the opposition, it will stay with PSD and AUR, which will enter Parliament,” he said recently.

In the PSD investigation, the party of Simion and Târziu is listed with 2% -3%, and in USR it is included in others in the voting intentions.

The “surprise” announced by Rareș Bogdan and Kelemen Hunor

The philosopher and writer Sorin Lavric is part of the AUR leadership, as president of the Senate.

The party assumes family, homeland, faith, freedom as values ​​and has among its active supporters neo-legionary organizations such as the Orthodox Brotherhood of Saint Great Martyr George the Victory Bearer, led by Dan Ciprian Grăjdeanu.

AUR organized anti-mask protests in Bucharest in the fall, challenging, at the same time, the other measures taken by the government during the health crisis. GOLD supporters protested against the ban on pilgrimages to St. Parascheva and St. Andrew.

AUR also organized an electoral march in Alba Iulia, on December 1, where several people were fined for failing to comply with the rules established by the government in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

Last year, George Simion, along with representatives of several neo-legionary organizations, was at the center of the Valea Uzului scandal, when they broke the cemetery gate closed by the UDMR authorities.
