The Italian syndrome, present in the young people of Romania. Mircea Coşea, warning. Bleak future


Professor Mircea Coşea spoke exclusively for DC NEWS about the “Italian syndrome” and its impact on the unemployment rate in Romania. This is in the context in which the pandemic seems to have mainly affected young people up to 35 years of age to find a stable job.

“Italians have noticed that a significant part of the young generation, between 25 and 35 years old, stays with their parents at home. They don’t move, they don’t get married. The reasons were simple. On the one hand, they were not satisfied with the places because they were not well qualified enough and avoided taxes and fees, and this phenomenon, the Italian syndrome, was classified as quite negative in the long run. It was limited to a certain average standard of living, which they could take away from their parents, but the pensions were not enough for a decent life.

These things have spread to us. It is clear that we have a young population that cannot earn a living and a future from an economic point of view. We have a population that is disqualified, because, obviously, we have great problems with high school and many do not continue their studies. However, the worst thing is that I lost the category of professional studies. Attempts have been made to restore it, but not much has been accomplished. There are some large companies that have vocational schools, but otherwise things are very bad. Many went abroad without qualifications and without professional hope. Now they have returned to the country and have nowhere to go. It is a very difficult problem to solve, “Mircea Coşea told DC NEWS.

Alarm. A bleak future for Romania

“There is the fear of educational gaps in economics. That means reducing the creative capacity of a generation. It means going back to an earlier period, which cannot be avoided with the advancement of technology. For example, modern technology now, according to Gordon’s theory does not lead to higher productivity Technical means are only tools that facilitate activity, but do not create extra value.

This coverage of the non-rating with a parody of the computer rating led to the formation of this gap. Certainly, the current generations in school will be generations with lower productive value in the future. Because they do not have a degree, professional discipline, motivation. It is cause for concern, because it creates a category of latent population, which not long ago, has no horizon of professional ambition. and that, as the Italians have said, they stay at home, they don’t get married, they don’t have the means to start a family. There will also be a demographic decline and, therefore, there will be some crises that will turn into the alienation of the workforce, that is, the workforce that lives from one day to the next with enough means. said the economist.
